Content updated 2013-08-01

Thesis/examination paper

Tjej med laptop

Here you find templates to use for your reports, theses and examination papers.

Save the template (Save as) on your computer before you start working.

Templates for ethics

Here you will find ethical self-review tools, information letters and consent forms prepared by the JU Research Ethics Committee.

Templates and documents for
School of Engineering

During spring 2020, new steering documents have been made regarding final project work (thesis). One document refers to rules for final project work, and the other is a form for registration for final project work. The form is the same for all levels from Higher Education Diploma (Högskoleexamen) through Master level.

Templates for JIBS

Templates for Pathway Programmes

Archiving your paper

To submit the final and approved version of your thesis is mandatory and as from spring semester 2015 this procedure will be done digitally at JU for work within bachelor- and master degrees.

When your thesis is finished and has been approved, you must submit a copy for archiving. You do this by yourself in DiVA, by using your university user account.

When you have uploaded your thesis in DiVA, you fill out the form “Final administration for thesis” together with any possible co-writers of the thesis. Thereafter, you send the form to your grading teacher. The teacher adds information as well as grade and sends the form to an administrator, who archives and publishes (optional) the thesis in DiVA along with reporting the grade in Ladok.

You may choose if your thesis should be public (published) or if only title and abstract should be visible (only archived) when performing a search on your thesis. 

Templates for School of
Education and Communication

Files available for download
File type icon Filename
Template cover page thesis HLK.dotx , 49.3 kB.

Äldre dokument, giltiga till 200823

Registration in DiVA

Don't forget to register your thesis in DiVA after you have got it validated. Only for work within bachelor- and master degrees.

Read more. External link, opens in new window.

Form for final administration for thesis Pdf, 43.7 kB.

Library help

​Where to find information and citing correctly is something the library can help you with.

Read more.