Swedish Personal Identity Number
A Swedish personal identity number can only be obtained if you' have a residence permit valid in Sweden for 12 months or longer. EU citizens need to prove they will be in Sweden for more than 365 days.
Apply for a Swedish personal identity number
You apply for the Swedish Personal Identity Number through the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) once you arrive in Sweden.
Please note that you need to book an appointment and to fill in the application form before your appointment at Skatteverket.
You will find the application form here.
Service offices in Jönköping
Trädgårdsgatan 7 - Jönköping City
You will find more information and opening hours here
External link, opens in new window.
Tornfalksgatan 11 - Råslätt
You will find more information and opening hours here
External link, opens in new window.
Inform Us
If you have received a Swedish personal identity number, you need to inform the university since that information does not reach us automatically.
Your temporary ID number (T-number) should be replaced if you have a Swedish Personal Number.
Please visit the Service Center at Jönköping University and bring your JU-card and the decision from Skatteverket (or an ID-card with the Swedish personal number on it).
New in Sweden
The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) has films that can help you when you're new in Sweden.
Among other things there's information about the Personal Identity Number, things to consider when moving to Sweden, or if you move within Sweden.
Moving to Sweden
Moving to Sweden - Skatteverket External link, opens in new window.