All exams at Jönköping University are coordinated by the Exams Team within Educational Support at University Services.
Before an exam
Exam registration
Register via StudentLadok External link, opens in new window. or via the JU Mobile app no later than 10 days before the exam. If you register via JU Mobile, you will receive a confirmation via email.
Exam registrations that are done via StudentLadok DO NOT generate a confirmation email or notification.
Place/exam halls are added continuously in StudentLadok, JU Mobile and in the exam schedule for each faculty a few days before the exam.
Important information
The doors to the examination halls are closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Morning slots: 8:50 AM
Afternoon slots: 1:50 PM
If you are late, you will be allowed into the examination halls 30 minutes after the start of the examination.
Morning slots: 9:30 AM
Afternoon slots: 2:30 PM
During exam
During the exam, you must be able to show a valid physical ID.
Approved IDs are:
- Valid Swedish driver’s license
- Valid Swedish passport
- Valid Swedish national ID card
- Valid JU card marked with “Identity Card”
- Valid foreign passport, needs to be plastic wrapped and be in either English, French, or Spanish
Identification with Mobile BankID or Freja eID+ does not constitute physical identification and is therefore not accepted as valid identification documents during exams.
Without an approved ID, you are not allowed to do the examination and you will be dismissed from the exam hall. Make sure to put your ID on the desk so that the invigilators have easy access to it. Keep the ID card on the desk during the whole examination.
Permitted aids
You should be informed in advance what aids are allowed on the current exam.
If course literature is allowed, only printed versions may be used. The use of digital course literature is not permitted.
If calculators are allowed, any of the following models apply (unless otherwise specified by the course coordinator):
- Casio FX-82
- Texas TI-30
- Sharp EL-W531
These are also allowed with additional number or letters in the name.
JU Mobile
The JU Mobile app is linked to your course registrations in Ladok. If you have notifications enabled on the app, you will be notified both when the exam registration period opens and before it closes. You will also receive reminders.
Please note that notifications in JU Mobile do not work on all Android models.
Problems with registration
If you have any problems with the registration, open a ticket via the Case Management System External link, opens in new window. at least 10 days prior to the exam date.
Note! It is NOT considered a problem to miss/forget to register.
Double exams
If you have registered for two exams, scheduled to be held within the same time frame, you should register this via the Case Management System External link, opens in new window. at least 10 days prior to the exam date.
No extra time will be allocated to students sitting two concurrent exams.
Targeted educational support for students with disabilities (RPS)
Targeted educational support will be granted by the coordinator for this support; Support for students with disabilities External link, opens in new window..
Register the needed (and granted) support via the Case Management System External link, opens in new window., no later than 10 days prior to the exam. This must be registered for every upcoming exam where you need this support.
Register to the exam via Ladok or JU Mobile as usual.
Breastfeeding during exams
Under certain conditions, breastfeeding is allowed during exams. If the exam exceeds three hours, there must be an opportunity to take a break for breastfeeding. Students must inform if there is a such need via the Case Management System External link, opens in new window., no later than 10 days prior to the exam.
Grade raising
Grade raising is no longer offered at JTH.
Previous exam questions
Log on to Exam External link, opens in new window. to download/view previous exams (only questions).
The three latest assessed exams for each course are available (exams that are not assessed will not show in the results).
Scanned paper-based exams and e-exams
When your paper-based exam has been graded and scanned, it will be available as a PDF file via Exam External link, opens in new window. and JU Mobile.
Your scanned paper-based exams and e-exams are stored digitally for two years from the date of the exam. Thereafter, they are deleted.
Remember to save the exams on your own computer if you want to have access to them for a longer period.
Original paper-based exams are archived and stored for two years after the date of the exam. If you want the original exam, open a ticket via the Case Management System External link, opens in new window..
Contact your examiner for requests regarding correction or amendment of a grade decision.
Submitted e-exams available on several platforms
When an assessment is completed in Inspera, students will get access to their submissions on several platforms (given that the course coordinator/ examiner has ticked the "Allow candidate post-submission review" option in Inspera.)
In Inspera students find teacher annotations, motivations and a full results report. If you do not have access to your submission nor results, please contact the course coordinator for your course.
Inspera exam submissions will also be available as PDF files via JU Mobile and on Exam External link, opens in new window..
Students from other universities and institutions
If you are studying at another university and want to sit a paper-based exam at Jönköping University, open a ticket via the Case Management System External link, opens in new window. no later than 10 days prior to the exam date, for a decision and information. (the condition is that your exam must coincide with an exam at JU and that there are free seats in the exam hall).
This service is only offered for Swedish institutions and does ONLY apply for paper-based exams.
Pseudonymization of exams
JU have adopted pseudonymisation of the exam process for all paper-based exams and all e-exams in Inspera. This implies that students perform their exams without their personal identity (name, civic number) being known to the grader/examiner. Your identity will be concealed until the results have been reported to Ladok.
In order to maintain this anonymous chain of information, it is of major importance that you as a student, do not engage in any conversation directly with your teachers, regarding your exam before the results are reported.
Should there be an imminent need to inform your teachers of an obvious inadequacy or error, it's important to uphold the routes of contact according to the information below:
If the error occurs during the exam:
Contact the invigilators on site. They will ensure that your information reaches the course coordinator
If the error is found after the exam, but before the results have been reported to Ladok:
Contact Service Center, who will ensure your information reaches the course coordinator, without any personal information being disclosed. You may not contact any of your teachers directly during this state of affairs. The Service Center will give you feedback from your teachers.
If questions arise concerning the above, please contact Service Center via the Case Management System External link, opens in new window.
Updated 2024-09-13
Use the Case Management System External link, opens in new window. for questions regarding examinations.