Literature reviews
The University Library's team for research support provides support for reviews where the literature search is the method.
Collaboration in a review project demands a continuous dialogue and usually consists of several meetings and work opportunities. Please contact Research Support to find out more about the support or book an appointment for an initial consultation.
Through the library, researchers at JU have access to Covidence, a web-based tool for screening, quality assessment and analysis of collected data for a literature review.
Access to Covidence is provided to teams conducting full-scale literature reviews. The program is mainly intended for systematic and scoping reviews.
To create a project in Covidence, please contact Paola Violasdotter Nilsson and state:
- The name of your review. Start with the abbreviation of your school, followed by the year and name on the overview. Example: HHJ-2023-Name of review.
- Type of review: Systematic, Scoping, Rapid, Umbrella, Literature, or Other.
- Research area: Arts and humanities, Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences, Biological and chemical sciences, Earth and environmental sciences, Economic, business and social sciences, Education, Engineering, maths, physics and technology, Medical and health sciences, Psychology, or Other.
- Question type: Therapy, Prevention, Etiology, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Qualitative, or Other.
Read more about Covidence, review types, and question types here.
Read more about literature reviews in the Literature review methods guide