There is a rapidly growing literature on coproduction. We have chosen to share the resources and the reseach projects that the different Community of Practices are using.
Latest Peer-reviewed Publications
Englander R, Holmboe E, Batalden P, et al. Coproducing health professions education: a prerequisite to coproducing health care services?
External link, opens in new window. Academic Medicine 2019.
Fjeldstad Ø, Johnson J, Margolis P, et al. Networked health care: rethinking value creation in learning health care systems
External link, opens in new window.. Learning Health Systems 2019.
Elwyn G, Nelson E, Hager A, et al. Coproduction: when users define quality
External link, opens in new window.. BMJ Quality & Safety 2019.
Batalden P. Getting more health from healthcare: quality improvement must acknowledge patient coproduction
External link, opens in new window.. BMJ 2018.