CEnSE People


  • ch

    Charlotta Mellander

    Professor, Director of CEnSE
    Charlotta Mellander's research is focused on the location patterns of creative individuals and firms, as well as the inter-relationship between these actors, and how this in the end shapes regional development. Her publication list includes very diverse set of topics, from creative industries, happiness, community satisfaction, light-emission based estimations of gross regional product globally, to alternative ways of measuring skills.
  • Debbie

    Deborah Strumsky

    Assistant Professor Economics, Co-Director of CEnSE
    Deborah previously taught at Arizona State University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her primary research focus in on invention and technological change with a special interest in the creation technological novelty. Her current work investigates the role of invention in society’s ability to confront the challenges of climate adaption and mitigation, and whether human invention can be accelerated by incorporating artificial intelligence techniques to address climate crisis. She brings an interdisciplinary approach incorporates methods from economics, spatial modeling/GIS, complex systems, evolutionary biology, and cultural anthropology.


  • Akram Mahmoudi

    PhD Candidate, Statistics
    Akram's research interest is in method development for survival analysis and generalized linear models. The new improved methods will be applied on wide range of economic data.
  • Aleksandar Petreski

    Assistant Professor, Economics
    Currently, the center of Aleksandar's research interest are the spatial phenomena within the financial system, including the spatial dimension of property market dynamics.
  • Amare Fentie Tareke

    PhD Candidate, Economics
    Amare’s research interest and experience lies in Energy economics, Agricultural economics and development economics.Specifically, his research currently focuses on the impact evaluation of energy and development policy interventions.
  • Andrea Schneider External link, opens in new window.

    Associate Professor, Economics
    Andrea’s research primarily focuses on public economics, especially, on the competition for multinational firms. At CEnSE she currently conducts research on effects of short-term rental platforms on spatial redistribution.
  • Anna B

    Anna Blömback

    Assistant Professor, Business Administration
    Following the PhD, her research expanded into a broader area of study, focusing the interactions between companies and their surroundings, exploring topics like corporate identity, values, and social responsibility. A common point of departure for th...
  • Benjamin

    Benjamin Larin

    Assistant Professor, Economics
    Benjamin's research has focused on the interaction between dynamics in aggregate asset prices and the real macroeconomy. These dynamics comprise short-run dynamics like boom-bust episodes and long-run dynamics like the observed upward trend in aggreg...
  • Charlie

    Charlie Karlsson

    Professor Emeritus, Economics
    In his research Charlie Karlsson has focused on infrastructure economics, urban economics, the economics of technological change, regional economics, spatial industrial dynamics, entrepreneurship and small business economics, and the economics of R&D...
  • Charlotta Mellander

    Professor, Economics
    Charlotta’s research focuses on cities, the urban-rural divide, migration patterns across regions and how geography tend to affect most things in our lives.
  • Daniel Pittino

    Professor, Business Administration
    Daniel's main research interests are corporate governance from an organizational perspective, corporate governance issues in small and medium enterprises and family firms, alliances and inter-organizational relationship between small and medium enter...
  • g

    Gabriel Rodriguez

    Doctoral Candidate Economics
    Gabriel Rodríguez-Puello is a PhD candidate in Economics at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS). He completed two bachelor’s degrees, the first one in Economics and the second one in Finance and International Business, both from Universida...
  • Hans Westlund

    Professor of Entrepreneurship
    Hans’ research covers multidimensional aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation, social capital and urban, regional and rural development in Sweden and internationally, primarily in China.
  • Helena Nilsson

    Assistant Professor, Economics
    The focus of Helena’s research is on retail and regional economic development. More specifically, she studies the effects from- and the determinants of- retail location.
  • Johan Klaesson

    Professor, Economics
    Johan’s research interests include understanding the location of economic activity, economies of agglomeration, productivity and economic growth in regions and cities.
  • Johannes Hagen

    Associate Professor, Economics
    Johannes conducts research primarily within the field of public finance with a special interest in retirement behaviour and pensions. He is currently involved in a CEnSE research project on senior entrepreneurship.
  • Jonna Rickardsson

    Post Doc, Economics
    Jonna is doing research in the area of regional economics with a focus on media consumption and behavioural economics.
  • Kristofer Månsson

    Professor, Statistics
    Kristofer's main research focus is the statistical analysis of economic data with special focus on time series analysis and microeconometrics.
  • Lars Pettersson

    Research Fellow, Economics
    Lars Petterson research interests and analyses is within the area of regional and urban Economics, with special focus on the housing market, residential location, segregation, and the role of accessibility (infrastructures) for regional growth and de...
  • Lina Bjerke

    Associate Dean of Faculty
    Lina’s research interest is in regional economics with a focus on migration of human capital and regional innovation systems in urban and rural areas.
  • Lucia Naldi

    Professor, Business Administration
    Lucia Naldi main research focuses on growth and development of small and young firm. She is also interested in entrepreneurship in different contexts, including family firms and firms located in rural areas.
  • Marcel Garz

    Marcel Garz

    Associate Professor, Economics , Jönköping International Business School
    Marcel’s work focuses on the economics of news markets. He is particularly interested in issues with political implications, such as media slant and opinion diversity, as well as the role of social platforms for news supply and news consumption.
  • Orsa Kekezi

    Research Fellow, Economics
    Orsa’s research interests lie in the intersection of labour and regional economics, with a focus on labour mobility and its consequences for job matching, knowledge spillovers, and regional development.
  • Per Davidsson

    Professor Entrepreneurship
    Davidsson´s research focuses on small firm growth and new venture creation in which areas he is one of the best cited scholars worldwide. In the latter area he currently leads a major Australian Research Project called CAUSEE. Davidsson also publishe...
  • p

    Peter Njekwa Ryberg

    PhD Candidate, Economics
    Peter’s research interests include the spatial aspect of automation and the impact of artificial intelligence and robotics on employment in firms.
  • Erwan

    Ruoshui He

    Doctoral Candidate Economics
    Ruoshui's research focuses on socioeconomic well-being, intergenerational mobility, and regional inequality. specifically, She investigate the geographical aspects of ageing, social ladder, and life satisfaction. She completed her Master's in economi...
  • Sara Johansson

    Assistant Professor, Economics
    Sara is currently involved in several research projects on innovation and innovation systems, with specific focus on small firms. Other research interests are geographical aspects of knowledge sharing and learning.
  • Sofia Wixe

    Associate Professor, Economics
    Sofia’s research interest is in regional economics, focusing on how location, human capital and diversity relate to economic outcomes at both individual, firm, and regional level.
  • Özge Öner

    Assistant Professor, Economics
    Özge Öner’s research is rooted in Urban and Regional Economics. Özge’s research deals with several issues in relation to spatial determinants of consumption, particularly focusing on the location dynamics of retail markets and hospitality sector. She...


  • Miquel

    Miquel Correa

    PhD Candidate, Economics
    Miquel’s research interests span the field of regional science and economics from a sustainability perspective, including urban congestion, human migration, territorial disparities and dynamics, agri-...
  • Johan P Larsson

    Assistant Professor, Economics
    Johan’s research interests concern the geographical aspects of industrial dynamics, entrepreneurship and labour markets. A particular focus is on the empirics of agglomeration economies, neighbourhood...