For supervisors of students writing independent projects and doctoral students at JU, Educate, in collaboration with the University Library, HR, the Research Ethics Committee and other parts of the university's activities, has collected clear material to support the supervision process.

According to BRJU, the following applies to supervisors of doctoral students:

Supervisors must possess pedagogical competence, e.g. a supervision course of 4 credits or more, in accordance with the regulations of the university of applied sciences. At least one supervisor must have completed supervisor training when the supervision process begins. Tutors who do not have such training should complete it within the first two years of the tutoring process.

For supervisors of doctoral students

For supervisors on first and second cycle levels

You can get support to develop as a supervisor through Educate's courses:

Please, contact Educate if you have any questions regarding the courses:

Information on more specific aspects such as

  • ethics
  • copyright,
  • open research and
  • agreements with external parties for doctoral students

can be found on the Research Ethics Committee pages on the intranet Opens in new window. (requires login).