Registration is open from 15 March for the autumn semester, and from 15 September for the spring semester. For courses, registration closes at the end of April and at the end of October. You can register for seminars, workshops and coaching up to one week before the start of the activity.

style Type of education: Course
event Start date: Autumn week 44, 2025
place Location: Jönköping
clear_all Level: Advanced level

Universities in Sweden have as part of their mission to broaden their recruitment to higher education. This means that higher education in Sweden should not be based on elite selection but more on mass education. We as higher education institutions must enable students to complete their education regardless of their background. An amendment to the Higher Education Act in 2002 (Chapter 1, Section 5) emphasised the importance that regardless of ethnic background, gender or functional variation, and regardless of place of residence, it should be possible to study at universities and higher education institutions in Sweden (UKÄ, University Chancellor's Office, 2022).

This naturally places higher educational demands on us as providers of higher education. How do we maintain quality but enable everyone to participate? That is, putting broader participation as an element to focus on when we build our courses.

How do we support students to succeed in their studies is a key question. This course will focus on empowering the individual teacher to create opportunities for inclusive learning based on their own course without compromising on quality. What are important factors to consider to enable the whole group to share knowledge? How do I structure my lectures and examinations so that all students in my course have an equal chance of passing? are questions that are relevant in this context.

Horizontal aims for Educate courses

The horizontal aims are to empower and enable teachers to solve problems in pedagogical environments, promote and participate in peer learning and co-creation, and expand their pedagogical repertoire to facilitate lifelong learning.

Pedagogical guide:


Inspiration stöd till studenter:


To you who have been accepted to Broadened Participation - Academic Teaching and Learning 3 and received an admission letter from the Admissions Office at JU!



The schedule will be made available on External link, opens in new window. from the beginning of April. Please, save the dates as soon as possible to avoid conflicts with courses that you lead!


Learning Management System

In the course, we use Canvas as a digital platform. To access the course activity on Canvas, you use your student account.

NOTE! If you do not already have a student account, one will be created upon admission. This also applies to you who are a JU employee.

Student account and registration

If you have not activated your student account, you must do so:

  • Go to External link, opens in new window..
  • For JU teachers:
    • Select Jönköping University Login to activate the student account using the login to your staff account at JU.
  • For external participants:
    • If you do not work at JU and therefore do not have a staff account, you should instead select BankID or One-time password.
    • Then follow the step-by-step guide where registration for the course takes place, the password is set, and the account is activated.

If you already have an active student account, log in to Student-Ladok and register. After account activation, registration, and activation of mutli factor authentication (MFA) External link, opens in new window., you can log in with the student account in Canvas. For those of you who now have both a staff account and a student account, please, use two different browsers to keep the logins separate.


If you cannot participate

Should you be unable to attend, please let us know no later than 10 working days before the start of the course through In case of later cancellation or early withdrawal during the course, your department will be charged a course fee.


Forward e-mail

To make it easier for you to keep track of emails that come to the student account, we suggest that you forward the student account's email to an email address you already use.

The education is conducted at: Educate
style Type of education: Course
verified_user Requirements: Employment as university teacher, doctoral student or equivalent. English proficiency corresponding to at least English 5 or the equivalent is required.
event Start date: Week 44, 2024
local_library Place of study: Campus
place Location: Jönköping
rotate_right Rate of study: 10%
clear_all Level: Advanced
data_usage Credits: 1.5 credits
language Language: English
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representatives about our degree programmes via email and/or text message. You can unsubscribe at
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  • Lecturer Social Work