Alexandros Tzanetos

Universitetslektor Datavetenskap
Avdelningen för datavetenskap , Tekniska Högskolan

Dr. Tzanetos huvudsakliga forskningsintressen är evolutionära beräkningar, operationell forskning och tillämpningar i verkliga optimeringsproblem. Hans forskning fokuserar på att utveckla intelligenta algoritmer för att lösa flermålsliga och storskaliga optimeringstillämpningar från områden som transport, projektledning och energiförsörjning. Han studerar också teoretiska aspekter av evolutionära beräkningar, till exempel avvägningen mellan utforskning och exploatering, anpassning av mekanismer och parameterinställning.

Tzanetos har en examen i finans- och förvaltningsteknik och en doktorsexamen i artificiell intelligens, båda från University of the Aegean, Dept. of Financial and Management Engineering, Grekland. Han var postdoktor vid Université de Sherbrooke, Faculty of Engineering, Quebec, Kanada, där han arbetade med ett finansierat projekt som rörde betongleveransproblemet.

Han är sektionsredaktör för artificiell intelligens i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Data in Brief (Elsevier).


Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2024). Editorial: Introduction to the special issue “Data in Management and Decision Engineering” Data in Brief, 55. More information
Thymianis, M., Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G., Koutras, V. (2023). Hybridization in nature inspired algorithms as an approach for problems with multiple goals: An application on reliability–redundancy allocation problems Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 121. More information
Tzanetos, A., Blondin, M. (2023). Real operational data for the concrete delivery problem Data in Brief, 48. More information
Tzanetos, A., Blondin, M. (2023). A qualitative systematic review of metaheuristics applied to tension/compression spring design problem: Current situation, recommendations, and research direction Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 118. More information
Tzanetos, A., Blondin, M. (2023). Systematic search and mapping review of the concrete delivery problem (CDP): Formulations, objectives, and data. More information
Tzanetos, A. (2023). Does the Field of Nature-Inspired Computing Contribute to Achieving Lifelike Features? Artificial Life, 29(4), 487-511. More information
Konstantinou, C., Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2022). Cardinality constrained portfolio optimization with a hybrid scheme combining a Genetic Algorithm and Sonar Inspired Optimization Operational Research, 22(3), 2465-2487. More information
Thymianis, M., Tzanetos, A. (2022). Is integration of mechanisms a way to enhance a nature-inspired algorithm? Natural Computing. More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2021). Nature inspired optimization algorithms or simply variations of metaheuristics? Artificial Intelligence Review, 54, 1841-1862. More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2021). Exploration and exploitation analysis for the sonar inspired optimization algorithm Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 89(8-9), 857-874. More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2020). Sonar inspired optimization (SIO) in engineering applications Evolving Systems, 11(3), 531-539. More information
Tzanetos, A., Vassiliadis, V., Dounias, G. (2020). Boosting the performance of hybrid Nature-Inspired algorithms: Application from the financial optimization domain Logic journal of the IGPL (Print), 28(2), 239-247. More information
Tzanetos, A., Fister, I., Dounias, G. (2020). A comprehensive database of Nature-Inspired Algorithms Data in Brief, 31. More information
Ntardas, D., Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2020). Resource Leveling Optimization in Construction Projects of High Voltage Substations Using Nature- Inspired Intelligent Evolutionary Algorithms International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 14(1), 6-13. More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2017). Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms Related to Physical Phenomena and Laws of Science: A Survey International journal on artificial intelligence tools, 26(6). More information


Tzanetos, A. (2020). Νοήμονες υπολογιστικές μέθοδοι εμπνευσμένες από τον φυσικό κόσμο για την βελτιστοποίηση συστημάτων: αλγόριθμος βελτιστοποίησης εμπνευσμένης από τον ηχοεντοπισμό (Doctoral thesis, Chios: Polytechnic School, Department of Engineering, Economics and Administration). More information


Karampotsis, E., Boulas, K., Georgaki, N., Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G., Papadopoulos, C. (2023). Neural Networks Based Throughput Estimation of Short Production Lines Without Intermediate Buffers. In: Ioannis K. Hatzilygeroudis, George A. Tsihrintzis & Lakhmi C. Jain (Ed.), Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms: Theory and Applications (pp. 175 -198). Cham: Springer More information
Berraies, A., Tzanetos, A., Blondin, M. (2023). Machine Learning to Facilitate the Integration of Renewable Energies into the Grid. In: M. Fathi, E. Zio & P. M. Pardalos (Ed.), Handbook of Smart Energy Systems (pp. 1 -23). Cham: Springer More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2020). A Comprehensive Survey on the Applications of Swarm Intelligence and Bio-Inspired Evolutionary Strategies. In: George A. Tsihrintzis & Lakhmi C. Jain (Ed.), Machine Learning Paradigms: Advances in Deep Learning-based Technological Applications (pp. 337 -378). Cham: Springer More information


Küdela, J., Juříček, M., Parǎk, R., Tzanetos, A., Matoušek, R. (2024). Benchmarking Derivative-Free Global Optimization Methods on Variable Dimension Robotics Problems. 13th IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2024 Yokohama 30 June 2024 through 5 July 2024. More information
Thymianis, M., Tzanetos, A., Osaba, E., Dounias, G., Del Ser, J. (2022). Electric Vehicle Routing Problem: Literature Review, Instances and Results with a Novel Ant Colony Optimization Method. 2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Padua, Italy, 18-23 July 2022. More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2020). Sonar Inspired Optimization in Energy Problems Related to Load and Emission Dispatch. Cham: Springer, 13th International Conference, LION 13, Chania, Crete, Greece, May 27–31, 2019. More information
Ntardas, D., Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2020). Intelligent Nature-Inspired Approaches for Optimal Resource Levelling in a High Voltage Alternating Current Submarine Link Terminal Station Project. 11th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2020, 15-17 July 2020. More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2020). Sonar inspired optimization based feature selection. 11th International Conf erence on Artificial Intelligence, SETN 2020, 2-4 September 2020. More information
Boulas, K., Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2018). Acquisition of approximate throughput formulas for serial production lines with parallel machines using intelligent techniques. 10th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SETN 2018, 9-12 July 2018. More information
Tzanetos, A., Kyriklidis, C., Papamichail, A., Dimoulakis, A., Dounias, G. (2018). A nature inspired metaheuristic for optimal leveling of resources in project management. 10th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SETN 2018, 9-12 July 2018. More information
Karampotsis, E., Boulas, K., Tzanetos, A., Androvitsaneas, V., Gonos, I., Dounias, G., Stathopulos, I. (2017). Computational intelligence techniques for modelling the critical flashover voltage of insulators: From accuracy to comprehensibility. 30th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2017, Arras, France, June 27-30, 2017. More information
Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2017). A new metaheuristic method for optimization: Sonar inspired optimization. Cham: Springer, 18th International Conference, EANN 2017, Athens, Greece, August 25–27, 2017. More information
Tzanetos, A., Vassiliadis, V., Dounias, G. (2017). A novel hybrid nature-inspired scheme for solving a financial optimization problem. Cham: Springer, 12th International Conference, HAIS 2017, La Rioja, Spain, June 21-23, 2017. More information
Vassiliadis, V., Dounias, G., Tzanetos, A. (2012). Parameter tuning of hybrid nature-inspired intelligent metaheuristics for solving financial portfolio optimization problems. Berlin: Springer, 7th Hellenic Conference on AI, SETN 2012, Lamia, Greece, May 28-31, 2012. More information


Tzanetos, A., Dounias, G. (2019). An application-based taxonomy of Nature Inspired Intelligent algorithms. Chios: Management and Decision Engineering Laboratory (MDE-Lab) More information