Lucia Naldi

Professor företagsekonomi
Företagsekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Vicerektor för forskning
Rektors kansli , Stiftelsen Högskolan i Jönköping
Ekonomie doktor
För en presentation av Lucia Naldi, se engelska presentationsidan.


Criaco, G., Naldi, L. (2024). A chip off the old block: Founders' prior experience and the geographic diversification of export sales in international new ventures Journal of Business Venturing, 39(1). More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Genedy, M. (2024). Keeping One’s Options Open: Intermittent Exporting, Family Control, and Foreign Background Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice. More information
Yang, T., Kacperczyk, A., Naldi, L. (2024). The Motherhood Wage Penalty and Female Entrepreneurship Organization science (Providence, R.I.), 35(1), 27-51. More information
Wu, Z., Naldi, L., Wennberg, K., Uman, T. (2024). Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures Management science, 70(2), 671-693. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Ashforth, B., Swartz, R., Melin, L. (2024). From “FIBER” to “FIRE”: construct validation and refinement of the socioemotional wealth scale in family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. More information
Genedy, M., Hellerstedt, K., Naldi, L., Wiklund, J. (2024). Growing pains in scale-ups: How scaling affects new venture employee burnout and job satisfaction Journal of Business Venturing, 39(2). More information
Brunelli, S., Vena, L., Sciascia, S., Naldi, L. (2024). Does family power drive the size transition of entrepreneurial family firms?: A study on the growth of Italian manufacturing firms Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. More information
Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2024). Long parental leave encourages women to start businesses Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. More information
Wixe, S., Nilsson, P., Naldi, L., Westlund, H. (2023). The role of collaboration and external knowledge for innovation in small food firms The annals of regional science, 70, 135-155. More information
Backman, M., Hagen, J., Kekezi, O., Naldi, L., Wallin, T. (2023). In the Eye of the Storm: Entrepreneurs and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 47(3), 751-787. More information
Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2023). Timeout: The Role of Family-Friendly Policies in Business Start-Up Among Mothers Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 47(4), 1169-1199. More information
Cestino-Castilla, J., Naldi, L., Ots, M. (2023). External enablers in existing organizations: Emergence, novelty, and persistence of entrepreneurial initiatives Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 17(2), 335-371. More information
Chirico, F., Naldi, L., Hitt, M., Sieger, P., Sirmon, D., Xu, K. (2023). Orchestrating resources with suppliers for product innovation The Journal of product innovation management. More information
Criaco, G., Naldi, L., Zahra, S. (2022). Founders’ Prior Shared International Experience, Time to First Foreign Market Entry, and New Venture Performance Journal of Management, 48(8), 2349-2381. More information
Naldi, L., Nilsson, P., Westlund, H., Wixe, S. (2021). Amenities and new firm formation in rural areas Journal of Rural Studies, 85, 32-42. More information
Naldi, L., Baù, M., Ahl, H., Markowska, M. (2021). Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers Small Business Economics, 56, 903-918. More information
Hashim, S., Naldi, L., Markowska, M. (2021). “The royal award goes to…”: Legitimacy processes for female-led family ventures The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(3). More information
Baù, M., Block, J., Discua Cruz, A., Naldi, L. (2021). Bridging locality and internationalization – A research agenda on the sustainable development of family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33(7-8), 477-492. More information
Finkel, D., Hellerstedt, K., Naldi, L. (2021). Socioeconomic Status Moderates Heritability of Entrepreneurial Personality Factor Behavior Genetics, 51(6), 705. More information
Larrañeta, B., Naldi, L. (2021). Introduction to the Reflection Forum: Clouds in the business landscape—Reflections on the implications of major worldwide turmoil for management and organizations BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 24(3), 194-198. More information
Chirico, F., Criaco, G., Baù, M., Naldi, L., Gomez-Mejia, L., Kotlar, J. (2020). To patent or not to patent: That is the question. Intellectual property protection in family firms Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 44(2), 339-367. More information
Naldi, L., Criaco, G., Patel, P. (2020). Related and unrelated industry variety and the internationalization of start-ups Research Policy, 49(10). More information
Naldi, L., Larsson, J., Westlund, H. (2020). Policy entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial orientation in vulnerable Swedish municipalities Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(7-8), 473-491. More information
Bauweraerts, J., Sciascia, S., Mazzola, P., Naldi, L. (2019). Family CEO and board service: Turning the tide for export scope in family SMEs International Business Review, 28(5). More information
Patel, P., Criaco, G., Naldi, L. (2018). Geographic diversification and the survival of born-globals Journal of Management, 44(5), 2008-2036. More information
Baù, M., Block, J., Cruz, A., Naldi, L. (2017). Locality and internationalization of family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 29(5-6), 570-574. More information
Naldi, L., Nilsson, P., Westlund, H., Wixe, S. (2015). What is smart rural development? Journal of Rural Studies, 40, 90-101. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L., Davidsson, P. (2015). International Corporate Entrepreneurship among SMEs: A test of Stevenson’s notion of Entrepreneurial Management Journal of small business management (Print), 53(3), 780-800. More information
Naldi, L., Chirico, F., Kellermanns, F., Campopiano, G. (2015). All in the family? An exploratory study of family member advisors and firm performance Family Business Review, 28(3), 227-242. More information
Naldi, L., Davidsson, P. (2014). Entrepreneurial growth: the role of international knowledge acquisition as moderated by firm age Journal of Business Venturing, 29(5), 687-703. More information
De Massis, A., Chirico, F., Kotlar, J., Naldi, L. (2014). The temporal evolution of proactiveness in family firms: the horizontal s-curve hypothesis Family Business Review, 27(1), 35-50. More information
Naldi, L., Wikström, P., Von Rimscha, M. (2014). Dynamic capabilities and performance: An empirical study of audiovisual producers in Europe International Studies of Management and Organization, 44(4), 63-82. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2013). Dynamics of Business Models - Strategizing, Critical Capabilities and Activities for Sustained Value Creation Long range planning, 46(6), 427-442. More information
Naldi, L., Cennamo, C., Corbetta, G., Gomez-Mejia, L. (2013). Preserving Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms: Asset or Liability? The Moderating Role of Business Context Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 37(6), 1341-1360. More information
Arregle, J., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Hitt, M. (2012). Internationalization of Family-Controlled Firms: A Study of the Effects of External Involvement in Governance Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 36(6), 1115-1143. More information
Naldi, L., Picard, R. (2012). "Let’s Start An Online News Site”: Opportunities, Resources, Strategy, and Formational Myopia In Startups Journal of Media Business Studies, 9(4), 69-97. More information
Naldi, L. (2010). ‘Does fortune favor the prepared or the brave small firm?: Exploring how absorptive capacity affects the growth of international small firms’ Academy of Management Proceedings. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L., Melin, L. (2010). "Business growth": do practitioners and scholars really talk about the same thing? Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 43(2), 289-316. More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2010). Small Firm Growth. More information
Eriksson, L., Hultman, J., Naldi, L. (2008). Small business e-commerce development in Sweden: an empirical survey Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(3), 555-570. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K., Wiklund, J. (2007). Entrepreneurial orientation, risk taking, and performance in family firms Family Business Review, 20(1), 33-47. More information
Zahra, S., Neubam, D., Naldi, L. (2007). The Effects of Ownership and Governance on SMEs' International Knowledge-based Resources Small Business Economics, 29(3), 309-327. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2006). International Corporate Venturing: An Empirical Study of SMEs Pursuing Opportunities in International Markets sinergie – rivista di studi e ricerche, 24(71), 35-51. More information
Sciascia, S., Naldi, L., Hunter, E. (2006). Market orientation as determinant of entrepreneurship: An empirical investigation on SMEs The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2(1), 21-38. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Die Bedeutung von Ressourcen-bezogenen Praktiken für das Wachstum von KMU in unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 4(53), 296-312. More information
Naldi, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Ganaron el Gröna Kvisten hace diez años. ¿Y ahora? Iniciativa Emprendedora, 47((April-Mayo-Junio)), 71-83. More information


Naldi, L. (2008). Growth through Internationalization: A Knowledge Perspective on SMEs (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Internationella Handelshögskolan). More information


Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2023). Fix the structures, not the women: The case for norm critical entrepreneurship education. In: A. C. Corbett, L. D. Marino & G. A. Alsos (Ed.), The age of entrepreneurship education research: Evolution and future (pp. 51 -63). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited More information
Westlund, H., Nilsson, P., Wixe, S., Naldi, L. (2021). Case studies on innovation and entrepreneurship in rural areas from Sweden: Jönköping County and Jämtland County. In: A. Torre, S. Corsi, M. Steiner, F. Wallet, H. Westlund (Ed.), Smart Development for Rural Areas (pp. 134 -152). More information
Wixe, S. Naldi, L. Nilsson, P. Westlund, H. Filippi, M. Galliano, D. , ... Steiner M. (2021). On smart business in rural areas: Entrepreneurship, innovation and their determinants. In: A. Torre, S. Corsi, M. Steiner, F. Wallet, H. Westlund (Ed.), Smart Development for Rural Areas (pp. 31 -50). More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2021). Internationalization of family firms as a discontinuous process: The role of behavioral theory. In: T. Leppäaho & S. Jack (Ed.), The Palgrave handbook of family firm internationalization (pp. 135 -171). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Nilsson, P., Naldi, L., Westlund, H., Wixe, S. (2015). The influence of related and unrelated variety on firm performance in European urban and rural areas. In: Yvonne von Friedrichs, Hans Westlund, Kiyoshi Kobayashi (Ed.), Social capital and development trends in rural areas: Vol. 10 (pp. 159 -178). Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School More information
Manduchi, A., Naldi, L. (2014). Clusters and Conglomerates in the Media Industry. In: Charlie  Karlsson, Börje Johansson, Roger R. Stough (Ed.), Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship: Studies in Regional Economic DevelopmentMore information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2011). Mapping media entrepreneurship of young European companies. In: Zvezdan Vukanovic and Paulo Faustino (Ed.), Managing media economy, media content and technology in the age of digital convergence (pp. 191 -212). Lisboa: Media XXI More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2009). Family firms venturing into international markets: A resource dependence perspective. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2008: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College More information
Naldi, L., Davidsson, P. (2008). International knowledge and the growth(s) of the firm. In: Best Paper Proceedings of the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.: Academy of Management More information
Naldi, L., Zahra, S. (2008). The effect of upstream and downstream internationalization on the acquisition of market and technological knowledge: The moderating role of prior knowledge. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2007: proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference Babson Park, Mass.: Babson College More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2006). One Decade Later: Following Up the ‘Gröna Kvisten’ Prize-winning Growth Firms. In: P. Rind Christensen & F. Poulfelt (Ed.), Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs: Frontiers in European Research (pp. 10 -34). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2006). What do we know about small firm growth?. In: The life cycle of entrepreneurial ventures (pp. 361 -398). New York: Springer More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2006). Pursuing opportunities in new markets: Activities of international SMEs to enhance growth by further internationalization. In: Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in neuen Märkten: Aufbruch und Wachstum (pp. 255 -268). Lohmar: EUL Verlag More information
Naldi, L., Sciascia, S., Hunter, E. (2006). Market Orientation as Determinant of Entrepreneurship. In: Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship interfaceMore information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Tracing patterns of growth: A first analysis of the 'Gröna Kvisten' high-growth ventures. In: Advances in Interdisciplinary European Entrepreneurship research: Vol. 2 (pp. 101 -132). Münster: Lit Verlag More information
Sciascia, S., Naldi, L. (2004). Corporate Entrepreneurship: a literature review. In: Exploring Corporate Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises (pp. 47 -74). Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School More information
Sciascia, S., Naldi, L. (2004). Entrepreneurial Orientation in different contexts: an empirical investigation on SMEs. In: Exploring Corporate Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises (pp. 97 -122). Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School More information
Naldi, L., Sjöberg, K. (2003). Do boards of directors play an entrepreneurial role in SMEs?: Evidence from Sweden. In: Governance in SMEs (pp. 147 -186). Sandvika: Norwegian School of Management, BI, Oslo More information


Naldi, L. (2009). Book Review: Prashantham Shameen, The Internationalization of Small Firms: A Strategic Entrepreneurship Perspective. More information


Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2023). Women entrepreneurs doing and undoing their motherhood. The MIRAI 2.0 R&I week, Umeå, November 13-17, 2023. More information
Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2023). Women entrepreneurs doing and undoing their motherhood. RENT XXXVII Conference, Gdansk, November 15-17, 2023. More information
Genedy, M., Naldi, L., Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M. (2022). SISTER ACT: A GENDER PERSPECTIVE ON FAMILY SUCCESSION. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2022: A Hybrid Experience, AOM 2022 Seattle 5 August 2022 through 9 August 2022. More information
Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2021). Timeout: The Role of Social Welfare in Entrepreneurship among Mothers. Symposium Women's Entrepreneurship: Cultural, Institutional, and Global Perspectives, Academy of Management 2021, Entrepreneurship division & Gender, Diversity and Organizations division. Digital conference. More information
Hashim, S., Naldi, L., Markowska, M. (2021). Entrepreneurial Activity as a Source of Meaning in Life. 41st Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), August 2021. More information
Wu, Z., Naldi, L., Wennberg, K., Uman, T. (2020). The mighty girl: Vicarious vulnerability and male founders’ gender-egalitarian hiring decisions in new entures. The online seminar on the Economics of Discrimination and Disparities. More information
Genedy, M., Naldi, L., Hellerstedt, K. (2020). Self-employed, family-employed, or wage-employed? The role of birth order and family structure on initial career choices. 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. More information
Genedy, M., Hellerstedt, K., Naldi, L. (2020). The unanticipated growth and employees’ well-being. 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. More information
Hashim, S., Markowska, M., Naldi, L. (2019). I can do more than a man! The legitimacy route of female-led family ventures in Bahrain. Wellesley, MA: Babson College, 39th Annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), June 5-8, 2019, Wellesley, USA. More information
Naldi, L., Baù, M., Ahl, H., Markowska, M. (2019). Home Alone: Gender (in)equality Within The Household And Business Start-up Among Mothers. 39th Annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), June 5-8, 2019, Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States.. More information
Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2019). How mothers narrate their entrepreneurial endeavours? The case of Swedish mumpreneurs. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Research Exchange Conference 2019, 5–8 February, Sydney, Australia. More information
Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2018). The narratives of choice: Contextualizing mumpreneurship in Sweden. 2018 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference(BCERC) and Doctoral Consortium, Waterford, Ireland, June 6–9, 2018. More information
Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2018). Paths to entrepreneurship: Life stories of Swedish mumpreneurs. 3rd Annual “Entrepreneurship as Practice” Doctoral Consortium and Conference/Workshop, Linnaeus University, Växjö, April 16–20. More information
Nilsson, D., Svenner, M., Umans, T., Naldi, L., Segerling, T. (2017). How do we succeed?: discussing bachelor and master theses. Swedish national conference of business administration. More information
Wixe, S., Nilsson, P., Naldi, L., Westlund, H. (2016). Disentangling innovation in small food firms: The role of external knowledge, support, and collaboration. Western Regional Science Association 55th Annual Meeting, February, 14-17, 2016, Big Island, Hawaii, USA. More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2016). Why do some family firms exit from export markets?. 12th Workshop On Family Firm Management Research bridging The Gap - Integrating Family Business Theory & Practice, Zwolle, The Netherlands, May 13-14, 2016. More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2015). The Influence of Family Involvement on De-internationalization of SMEs. 41st EIBA Annual Conference, Rio de Janeiro, December 1-3, 2015. More information
Zahra, S., Criaco, G., Naldi, L., Larraneta, B. (2015). Industry Knowledge Characteristics, Prior Experience and New Venture Survival. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, August 7-11, 2015.. More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L. (2015). A behavioral approach to non-linear internationalization of family firms. 11th Workshop On Family Firm Management Research, "Shifting Boundaries In Family Firm Research", Lyon, France, May 29-30, 2015. More information
Baù, M., Eddleston, K., Chirico, F., Lucia, N. (2014). Parental Altruism. Special Treatment for Offspring in Business?. 10th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Bergamo,23-24 May, 2014. More information
Chirico, F., Naldi, L., Baù, M., Criaco, G. (2014). Socioemotional Wealth and Innovation in Family Firms: When the Environment Gets Tough, the Family Gets Going!. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-5, 2014.. More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L. (2014). Family, friends and business partners: the interplay between networks and internationalization of family firms. International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Lappeenranta, Finland, June 2014. More information
Zahra, S., Naldi, L., Larraneta, B., Criaco, G. (2014). Industry knowledge and new venture survival. The 34th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), London, Canada, June 4-7, 2014.. More information
Nilsson, P., Naldi, L., Westlund, H., Wixe, S. (2014). The Influence of Related and Unrelated Variety on Firm Performance across European Urban and Rural Regions. The Swedish-Japanese workshop 21-22 August 2014 in Östersund. More information
Naldi, L., Nilsson, P., Westlund, H., Wixe, S. (2014). What is Smart Rural Development?. 53rd Annual Meeting Western Regional Science Association (WRSA), San Diego, 16-19 February, 2014. More information
Naldi, L., Chirico, F., Baù, M., Criaco, G. (2013). Family Involvement and Innovation in Family Firms: The Moderating Role of Environmental Munificence. 9th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC 2013), Viña del Mar, Chile, May 17-19, 2013. More information
Naldi, L., Cennamo, C., Corbetta, G. (2011). Family vs. non-family CEO and firm performance: moderating effects of firm size, stock exchange affiliation and location. IFERA conference 2011. More information
Naldi, L., Wikström, P., von Rimscha, B. (2011). Dynamic Capabilities and Performance: An Empirical Study on Independent TV Producers in Europe. EMMA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2011, Restructuring And Reorientation: Global And Local Media After The Recession, 10 – 11 June 2011 Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Journalism. More information
Hultman, j., Johnson, T., Naldi, L., Hertz, S. (2010). The effects on supplier integration under different market dynamism. 22 Nofoma Conference in Kolding 10-11 June. More information
Naldi, L., Picard, R. (2010). Let’s start an online news site’: Entrepreneurship, strategy, and sustainability’. World Media Economics Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2010). The footprint of young companies on the media landscape. European Media Management Association annual conference, 2010, London, U.K.. More information
Cavaliere, V., Sarti, D., Naldi, L. (2010). Internationalization and Innovation in Small Firms: A Knowledge Based Perspective. 30th Strategic Management Society (SMS) conference, 12-15 2010, Rome, Italy. More information
Larrañeta, B., Naldi, L., Van de Velde, E. (2010). Back to the Environment—Exploring the differential effects of the industry knowledge base on new venture performance and survival. The 2010 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), June 9-12, Lausanne, Switzerland. More information
Leona, A., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2009). How do companies achieve sustained and profitable business growth?: Business models in continuously growing companies. Washington 29th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society. More information
Manduchi, A., Naldi, L. (2009). Clusters and conglomerates in the media industry. Trollhättan: Department of Economics and IT, University West, 12th Uddevalla Symposium, 11-13 June, 2009, Bari, Italy. More information
Davidsson, P., Naldi, L. (2008). Knowledge Augmentation and Growth in International SMEs. Brisbane 16th annual conference on Pacific basin finance economics accounting management,2–4 July, 2008, Brisbane, Australia. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Zellweger, T. (2008). Intangible resources and the performance in family firms: the moderating Role of Familiness. 16th annual conference on Pacific basin finance economics accounting management,2–4 July, 2008, Brisbane, Australia. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Internationalization in family firms: A resource dependence perspective. 16th annual conference on Pacific basin finance economics accounting management,2–4 July, 2008, Brisbane, Australia. More information
Naldi, L., Davidsson, P. (2008). International knowledge and the growth(s) of the firm. Anaheim Academy of Management Meeting, August 8-13, 2008, Anaheim, California. More information
Fridriksson, H., Naldi, L., Hertz, S. (2007). Collaboration in Global supply chains - a knowledge sharing perspective. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2007). Managing Firm Resources: The Impact of Resource Practices on Performance. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007. More information
Naldi, L., Zahra, S. (2007). SME internationalization and the acquisition of new knowledge: The moderating role of prior knowledge. 5th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Santo Domingo, December 2007. More information
Borgström, B., Cui, L., Hertz, S., Naldi, L., Fridriksson, H. (2006). What do we know about global supply chain development?: A review and a synthesis of the literature on supply chain management and international business. 5th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Santo Domingo, December 2007. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2006). Investigating Patterns of Development in SMEs. 5th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Santo Domingo, December 2007. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L., Wiklund, J. (2006). How Companies Manage Resources For Firm Expansion. Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, Vienna, Austria, February 2006. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L., Wiklund, J. (2006). The Management of Firm Resources: Examining the Impact of Resource Practices on Performance. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Vienna, October 2006. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2006). The role of SME internationalization for Pursuing Opportunities. Bason Park, MA: Babson College, Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). A process-view on the role of resource practices for SME growth. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Business firm growth: Are we talking about the same thing?. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Tricks of twigs: how the ‘Gröna Kvisten’-winning firms grew big(ger). Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Sjöberg, K., Wiklund, J. (2005). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance: Comparing Risk Taking in Family and Non-family Firms. Wellesley, MA 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Sjöberg, K., Wiklund, J. (2005). Entrepreneurial orientation and performance: comparing risk taking in family and non-family firms. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Research on small-firm growth: A review. 35th EISB Conference, Barcelona, September 2005. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). A Dynamic View On The Role Of Resource Practices For Growth. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Sciascia, S., Naldi, L., Alberti, F. (2005). Entrepreneurial Orientation: an Empirical Assessment of SMEs in Hypercompetition. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii. More information
Müllern, T., Melander, A., Naldi, L., Sarti, D. (2005). Facing dualities in cooperative organizations: Identity construction in Södra Skogsägarna and Unicoop Firenze. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2004). The role of resource practices for the value creation of SMEs. St. Gallen: KMU-Vlg HSG, The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Tracing patterns of growth: An analysis of the 'Gröna Kvisten' high-growth ventures. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Practicing growth: how companies build and use valuable resources for expansion. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Towards a re-conceptualization of firm growth. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). One decade later?: Following up the Gröna kvisten prize-winning high-growth firms. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Hellerstedt, K., Naldi, L. (2003). Do boards of directors play an entrepreneurial role in SMEs?: Evidence from Sweden. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Sciascia, S., Naldi, L. (2003). Entrepreneurial orientation in different contexts: an empirical investigation on SMEs. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Naldi, L., Sjöberg, K. (2003). Entrepreneurial firms and growth: the role of CEO, managers and board of directors. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Naldi, L., Sjöberg, K. (2003). Do boards of directors play an entrepreneurial role in SMEs? Evidence from Sweden. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information
Naldi, L., Sjöberg, K. (2003). Do board of directors play an entrepreneurial role in SMEs?: Evidence from Sweden. The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference, Mondragon University, Spain. More information


Kuiken, A., Naldi, L. . Keeping one's options open: intermittent exporting, family involvement and foreign background. More information
Criaco, G., Larrañeta, B., Naldi, L., Zahra, S. . Industry knowledge, prior industry experience and new venture survival. More information
Hashim, S., Naldi, L., Markowska, M. . From entrapment to enraptured: Eudaimonic well-being through entrepreneurial activity. More information
Carpenter, C., Dujeancourt, E., Mann, S., Naldi, L. . Sexual Orientation and Multiple Job Holding: Evidence from Swedish Administrative Data. More information
Genedy, M., Naldi, L., Hellerstedt, K. . Navigating career choices in parent-owned businesses: The impact of offspring birth order on joining and leaving the parent’s business. More information


Wixe, S., Nilsson, P., Naldi, L., Westlund, H. (2017). Disentangling innovation in small food firms: The role of external knowledge, support, and collaboration. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology More information
Naldi, L., Kuiken, A. (2016). International market exit and re-entry: An empirical study of export patterns of Swedish SMEs. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Naldi, L., Ramirez-Pasillas, M. (2014). Röster för entreprenörskap: Möjligheter och utmaningar för etablering på landsbygden. More information
Ericson, M., Naldi, L. (2012). Learning perspectives on growth through internationalization: Combining two epistemologies. More information
Sciascia, S., Naldi, L. (2007). L’orientamento al mercato come determinante di imprenditorialita: Un’indagine fra le piccole e medie imprese. Milano: IULM More information
Naldi, L., Sciascia, S., Alberti, F. (2005). Entrepreneurial Orientation: An empirical assessment of SMEs in Hypercompetition. Milano: Università Bocconi More information