Frida Lygnegård

Universitetslektor arbetsterapi
Avdelningen för rehabilitering , Hälsohögskolan

Frida är legitimerad arbetsterapeut med en doktorsexamen i handikappvetenskap och  magisterexamen i folkhälsovetenskap. Fridas huvudsakliga intresseområden vad gäller undervisning och forskning rör barn och ungdomars hälsa, global hälsa, barns rättigheter samt hur vi kan skapa ett hållbart samhälle i linje med AGENDA 2030 och de globala målen. 

Frida arbetar som lektor vid Avdelningen för rehabilitering och innehar sedan hösten 2020 ett uppdrag gentemot Högskolans forskningsblogg Vertikals där hon skriver om frågor som rör barns och ungas rättigheter och barns hälsa och utveckling -i relation till egen forskning och aktuella frågor i samhället som rör barn och ungdomar. 

Videopresentation Frida Lygnegård forskning (1min 17sek.)

Länk till Fridas blogg på Vertikals




Danielsson, H. Imms, C. Ivarsson, M. Almqvist, L. Lundqvist, L. King, G. , ... Granlund M. (2024). A systematic review of longitudinal trajectories of mental health problems in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. More information
Lygnegård, F., Thell, M., Sarkadi, A. (2023). Adolescent co-researchers identified the central role of social media for young people during the pandemic Acta Paediatrica, 112(4), 787-793. More information
Fischer, E., Green, D., Lygnegård, F. (2023). Occupation as means and ends in paediatric occupational therapy: A systematic review. More information
Augustine, L., Lygnegård, F., Granlund, M. (2022). Trajectories of participation, mental health, and mental health problems in adolescents with self-reported neurodevelopmental disorders Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(9), 1595-1608. More information
Augustine, L., Lygnegård, F., Adolfsson, M., Granlund, M. (2022). The utility of the International Classification of Functioning construct as a statistical tool – operationalizing mental health as an indicator of adolescent participation Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(16), 4220-4226. More information
Lygnegård, F., Granlund, M., Kapetanovic, S., Augustine, L., Huus, K. (2021). Short-term longitudinal participation trajectories related to domestic life and peer relations for adolescents with and without self-reported neurodevelopmental impairments Heliyon, 7(4). More information
Granlund, M. Imms, C. King, G. Andersson, A. Augustine, L. Brooks, R. , ... Almqvist L. (2021). Definitions and operationalization of mental health problems, wellbeing and participation constructs in children with NDD: Distinctions and clarifications International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4). More information
Wagman, P. Johansson, A. Jansson, I. Lygnegård, F. Edström, E. Björklund Carlstedt, A. , ... Fristedt S. (2020). Making sustainability in occupational therapy visible by relating to the Agenda 2030 goals – A case description of a Swedish university World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 76(1), 7-14. More information
Lygnegård, F., Almqvist, L., Granlund, M., Huus, K. (2019). Participation profiles in domestic life and peer relations as experienced by adolescents with and without impairments and long-term health conditions Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 22(1), 27-38. More information
Augustine, L., Lygnegård, F., Granlund, M., Adolfsson, M. (2018). Linking youths’ mental, psychosocial, and emotional functioning to ICF-CY: Lessons learned Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(19), 2293-2299. More information
Lygnegård, F., Augustine, L., Granlund, M., Kåreholt, I., Huus, K. (2018). Factors Associated With Participation and Change Over Time in Domestic Life, Peer Relations, and School for Adolescents With and Without Self-Reported Neurodevelopmental Disorders. A Follow-Up Prospective Study Frontiers in Education, 3, 1-13. More information
Huus, K., Dada, S., Bornman, J., Lygnegård, F. (2016). The awareness of primary caregivers in South Africa of the human rights of their children with intellectual disabilities Child: Care, Health and Development, 42(6), 863-870. More information
Huus, K., Granlund, M., Bornman, J., Lygnegård, F. (2015). Human rights of children with intellectual disabilities: comparing self-ratings and proxy ratings Child Care Health and Development, 41(6), 1010-1017. More information
Lygnegård, F., Donohue, D., Bornman, J., Granlund, M., Huus, K. (2013). A Systematic review of Generic and Special Needs of Children with Disabilities Living in Poverty Settings in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Journal of Policy Practice, 12(4), 296-315. More information
Ramstrand, N., Lygnegård, F. (2012). Can balance in children with cerebral palsy improve through use of an activity promoting computer game? Technology and Health Care, 20(6), 501-510. More information


Lygnegård, F. (2018). Participation in and outside school: Self-ratings by Swedish adolescents with and without impairments and long-term health conditions (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare). More information


Fristedt, S. Johansson, A. Jansson, I. Lygnegård, F. Edström, E. Björklund Carlstedt, A. , ... Wagman P. (2021). Att synliggöra utbildning och forskning relaterat till hållbarhet i arbetsterapi – en fallbeskrivning. Arbetsterapiforum, den 16–17 mars 2021. More information
Lygnegård, F. (2018). Patterns of participation within domestic life and peer relations - Youth’s own experiences. WFOT Congress 2018, 21st – 25th May 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. More information



Lygnegård, F., Björkebäck, M. (2023). Hur påverkas barn och deras familjer av det rådande läge vi har idag i Sverige och vad gör en hållbarhetsstrateg?: Vertikala samtal med Frida Lygnegård och Maja Björkebäck [podcast]. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikations doktorandorganisation, Jönköping University More information
Lygnegård, F. (2022). Tre viktiga frågor inför valet [video]. More information
Fischer, E., Green, D., Lygnegård, F. (2022). Systematic review protocol of the effectiveness of occupation-based and occupation-focused interventions used in occupational therapy to improve participation in everyday activities for young children with a disability [protocol]. More information
Lygnegård, F. (2020). Vertikala samtal med Pernilla Baralt [podcast]. More information
Lygnegård, F. (2020). Vertikala samtal med barnombudsmannen [podcast]. More information
Lygnegård, F. (2019). Vad påverkar ungdomars delaktighet? [video]. More information