Hamid Jafari

Docent Logistik
Filosofie Doktor, Ph.D.

För en presentation av Hamid Jafari och hans forskning, se hans engelska presentation.


Risberg, A., Jafari, H., Sandberg, E. (2023). A configurational approach to last mile logistics practices and omni-channel firm characteristics for competitive advantage: a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 53(11), 53-70. More information
Jafari, H., Ghaderi, H., Malik, M., Bernardes, E. (2023). The effects of supply chain flexibility on customer responsiveness: the moderating role of innovation orientation Production planning & control (Print), 34(16), 1543-1561. More information
Jafari, H., Eslami, M., Paulraj, A. (2022). Postponement and logistics flexibility in retailing: The moderating role of logistics integration and demand uncertainty International Journal of Production Economics, 243. More information
Risberg, A., Jafari, H. (2022). Last mile practices in e-commerce: framework development and empirical analysis of Swedish firms International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 50(8/9), 942-961. More information
Jafari, H., Ghaderi, H., Eslami, M., Malik, M. (2022). Leveraging supply integration, mass customization and manufacturing flexibility capabilities and the contingency of innovation orientation Supply chain management, 27(7), 194-210. More information
Shahparvari, S., Soleimani, H., Govindan, K., Bodaghi, B., Taherian Fard, M., Jafari, H. (2021). Closing the Loop: Redesigning Sustainable Reverse Logistics Network in Uncertain Supply Chains Computers & industrial engineering, 157. More information
Eslami, M., Jafari, H., Achtenhagen, L., Carlbäck, J., Wong, A. (2021). Financial performance and supply chain dynamic capabilities: the Moderating Role of Industry 4.0 technologies International Journal of Production Research. More information
Sandberg, E., Jafari, H. (2018). Retail supply chain responsiveness: Towards a retail-specific framework and a future research agenda. More information
Engelseth, P., Jafari, H. (2018). Marketing Complex Product Designs in the Contemporary Value Chain International journal of value chain management, 9(4), 311-329. More information
Soleimani, H., Govindan, K., Saghafi, H., Jafari, H. (2017). Fuzzy Multi-Objective Sustainable and Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design Computers & industrial engineering, 109, 191-203. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Postponement and logistics flexibility in retailing: A multiple case study from Sweden Industrial management & data systems, 116(3), 445-465. More information
Jafari, H. (2015). Logistics flexibility: A systematic review. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Osnes, T., Schmitz, A. (2015). Customization in bicycle retailing Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 23, 77-90. More information
Pazirandeh, A., Jafari, H. (2013). Making Sense of Green Logistics International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62(8), 889-904. More information
Jafari, H., Magnusson, T. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility and Knowledge Management Implications in Sustainable Vehicle Innovation and Development Communications of the IBIMA, 6(2), 8-14. More information


Jafari, H. (2014). Postponement and Logistics Flexibility in Retailing (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School). More information


Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2012). Postponement in Retail Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Literature Review. In: J. Hagberg, U. Holmberg, M. Sundström & L. Walter (Ed.), Nordic Retailing Research - Emerging Diversity (pp. 173 -194). Gothenburg: Bokförlaget BAS More information


Risberg, A., Jafari, H. (2021). Last Mile Distribution Practices in E-Commerce: A Framework Development and Empirical Analysis. Colloquium On European Research In Retailing (CERR), 15-16 July, 2021, Sophia Antipolis, France. More information
Netz, J., Axelsson, M., Siva, V., Jafari, H., Jensen, L., Eslami, M. (2021). Sustainability Trade-offs in Business Model Innovation. 21th International CINet Conference, 13-15 September, Gothenburg, Sweden, Online. More information
Jafari, H., Eslami, M., Paulraj, A. (2020). The effect of postponement on logistics flexibility: An empirical evidence of Swedish retailers. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August, 2020, Vancouver, Canada. More information
Jafari, H. (2018). E-Commerce Logistics - Contemporary Literature. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, 16 - 19 December 2018. More information
Jafari, H., Ots, M. (2016). Omni-Channel Innovation in Grocery Retailing: The Drivers of Mobile Shopping. The 5th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC), 8-10 November, Aarhus University, Denmark. More information
Jafari, H., Ots, M. (2016). The Road to Omni-Channel – The Drivers of Shopping Apps in Grocery Retailing. Toulouse Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, Toulouse, June 2-4, 2016. More information
Sandberg, E., Jafari, H. (2016). Retail supply chain responsiveness: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Turku: Nordic Logistics Research Network, The 28th Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA) Conference, Turku, 4-6 June, 2016.. More information
Sandberg, E., Jafari, H. (2016). A systematic review of retail supply chain responsiveness. The 5th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 8-9 November, 2016.. More information
Jafari, H. (2014). An Analysis of Logistics Flexibility Research. The 26th NOFOMA Conference, 11-13 June 2014,Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark. More information
Jafari, H., Hartmann, B., Ots, M. (2014). Mobile Media and In-Store Shopping Experiences: Profiling App Usage in Food Retailing. Stockholm: Stockholm school of economics, Babson Shopper Marketing & Pricing Conference, May 8-10, 2014, Stockholm school of economics. More information
Hartmann, B., Jafari, H., Ots, M. (2014). The Mediatisation of Shopping: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding and Studying How Shoppers Use Apps in Retail Environments. Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC), November 5th – 6th, Stockholm, Sweden.. More information
Jafari, H., Paulraj, A. (2013). Logistics Flexibility in Swedish Retailing. Philadelphia 20th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, July 7-10, 2013 Philadelphia. More information
Engelseth, P., Jafari, H. (2013). Rethinking Supply “Postponement” and “Speculation”. The 20th EurOMA Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 09-12. More information
Del Javan, A., Jafari, H. (2013). Exploring Servitization In Manufacturing: A Multiple Case Study. 25th NOFOMA Conference - Gothenburg. More information
Jafari, H., Hartmann, B., Johansson, A., Nyberg, A. (2013). How Showrooming Is Constituted: Preliminary Findings From A Multi-Method Study. 25th NOFOMA Conference - Gothenburg. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Osnes, T., Schmitz, A. (2012). Customization in Bicycle Retailing. The 3rd Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, November 7-8, 2012, Lund. More information
Engelseth, P., Jafari, H. (2012). Timing-configuration of Value Network Flows. Rome: IMP Group, 28th IMP Conference, 13-15 September, Rome Italy. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2012). Application of Postponement in Retailing - Connections to Logistics Flexibility. Vienna 19th International Conference on Retailing and Consumer Services Science. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2011). Recapturing the Trends in the Application of Postponement in Retail Supply Chain Management. 8th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, January 26-30 2011, Riezlern, Austria. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2011). Application of Postponement in Retailing: A Cross-Case Analysis of Major European Retailers. The 23rd NOFOMA conference, Harstad, Norway, June 9-10, 2011. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2010). Adjusting Classic Marketing Lenses on Retail Supply Chain Management: Revisiting Postponement and Speculation. The Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, Göteborg, 10-11 November, 2010. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S., Fridriksson, H. (2010). Postponement in Retailing? Seeking a Connection. The 22nd NOFOMA Conference, 10-12 June, 2010, Kolding, Denmark. More information
Jafari, H. (2009). Innovation Trends in Retailing. The 21st NOFOMA Conference. More information
Jafari, H., Aghaie, A. (2007). Application of Knowledge Management in CustomerLifetime Value and Loyalty Management. The 21st NOFOMA Conference. More information
Jafari, H., Aghaie, A. (2006). Online Customer Segmentation Based on Lifetime Value. The 6th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) Conference, 19-21 June 2006, Bonn, Germany.. More information


Jafari, H., Paulraj, A. . Postponement, Logistics Flexibility, and Firm Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Swedish Retailing Firms. More information
Jafari, H., Paulraj, A. . An Empirical Taxonomy of Logistics Configurations in Retailing: The Role of Postponement and Logistics Flexibility. More information


Berndt, A., Holmberg, U., Jafari, H., Hartmann, B., Ots, M. (2017). Mobilapplikationer inom dagligvaruhandeln: Konsumtionens medialisering genom nya digitala tjänster. Stockholm: Handelsrådet More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S., Borgström, B. (2012). Increased Flexibility in Retail Supply Chains through Postponement. Jönköping: Jönköping international business school More information