Christina Petersson

Director Jönköping Academy


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Christina Peterson is Director for Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare at Jönköping University, which is a collaboration between the University and Jönköping County council. This collaboration aims to develop, improve and perform research to accelerate new knowledge about quality and leadership within the area of health and welfare. 

Christina is a associate professor in Quality and Leadership, and work as an Improvement Leader at the centre for Learning and Innovation at the County Council of Jönköping. She has more than 20 yeras experience of clinical work within the sector of healthcare. Christinas research is mainly about how to co-design healthcare services for people with long-term health conditions. 


Määttä, S., Petersson, C., Andersson-Gäre, B., Henriks, G., Ånfors, H., Lundberg, C., Nilsagård, Y. (2024). Experiences of co-producing person-centred and cohesive clinical pathways in the national system for knowledge-based management in Swedish healthcare: a qualitative study Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1). More information
Jarl, F., Davelid, A., Hedin, K., Stomby, A., Petersson, C. (2023). Overcoming the struggle of living with type 2 diabetes: diabetes specialist nurses' and patients' perspectives on digital interventions BMC Health Services Research, 23(1). More information
Wallin, P., Petersson, C., Areskoug Josefsson, K., Nordin, A. (2023). Enhancing staff capacity to support children with intellectual disability receiving residential services: A realist evaluation of an improvement program Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 20(3), 260-272. More information
Ramfelt, K., Andersson-Gäre, B., Andersson, A., Petersson, C. (2023). ‘It's like a never-ending diabetes youth camp’: Co-designing a digital social network for young people with type 1 diabetes Health Expectations, 26, 662-669. More information
Hedberg, B., Wijk, H., Andersson-Gäre, B., Petersson, C. (2022). Shared decision-making and person-centred care in Sweden: Exploring coproduction of health and social care services Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 171, 129-134. More information
Petersson, C., Nygårdh, A., Hedberg, B. (2022). To support self-management for people with long-term conditions: The effect on shared decision-making, empowerment and coping after participating in group-learning sessions Nursing Open, 9(5), 2444-2453. More information
Bergerum, C., Petersson, C., Thor, J., Wolmesjö, M. (2022). 'We are data rich but information poor': how do patient-reported measures stimulate patient involvement in quality improvement interventions in Swedish hospital departments? BMJ Open Quality, 11(3). More information
Mäenpää, S., Ekstrand, E., Petersson, C., Nymark, C. (2021). Patients’ experiences when afflicted by takotsubo syndrome – is it time for guidelines? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 35(3), 824-832. More information
Koldestam, M., Broström, A., Petersson, C., Knutsson, S. (2021). Model for Improvements in Learning Outcomes (MILO): Development of a conceptual model grounded in caritative caring aimed to facilitate undergraduate nursing students’ learning during clinical practice (Part 1) Nurse Education in Practice, 55. More information
Wallin, P., Nordin, A., Petersson, C., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2021). Exploring Co-production in Residences with Special Services for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability in Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 23(1), 247-259. More information
Svensson, J. Sildorf, S. Bøjstrup, J. Kreiner, S. Skrivarhaug, T. Hanberger, L. , ... Chaplin J. (2020). The DISABKIDS generic and diabetes-specific modules are valid but not directly comparable between Denmark, Sweden, and Norway Pediatric Diabetes, 21(5), 900-908. More information
Lindblad, A., Hedberg, B., Nygårdh, A., Petersson, C. (2020). "An expanded window of understanding a changed everyday life"—Experiences from patients with long-term conditions after attending group learning sessions Journal of Patient Experience, 7(6), 1022-1028. More information
Ramfelt, K., Petersson, C., Åkesson, K. (2020). Experiences From a Coaching Program for Parents of Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Developed Through Experienced-Based Co-Design (EBCD) Journal of Patient Experience, 7(6), 1181-1188. More information
Petersson, C., Batalden, P., Fritzell, P., Borst, S., Hedberg, B. (2019). Exploring the meaning of coproduction as described by patients after spinal surgery interventions Open Nursing Journal, 13, 85-91. More information
Chaplin, J., Wartenberg, C., Petersson, C., Danielsson, A. (2018). Initial validation of Swedish PROMIS (R)-25 in an orthopaedic population of children with acute severe knee injury Quality of Life Research, 27(Suppl. 1), S122. More information
Petersson, C., Fust, R., Hagstedt, C., Wågström, P., Nilsdotter-Augustinsson, Å. (2018). "Experiences of the burden of treatment" - Patient reports of facilitated subcutaneous immunoglobulin treatment in adults with immunodeficiency Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(23-24), 4270-4278. More information
Petersson, C., Björkander, J., Fust, R. (2018). Discovering aspects of health-experiences of a web-based health diary among adults with primary immunodeficiency Nursing Open, 5(4), 642-648. More information
Osborne, C., Petersson, C., Graham, J., Meyer, W., Simeonsson, R., Suman, O., Ottenbacher, K. (2017). The Burn Model Systems outcome measures: a content analysis using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(25), 2584-2593. More information
Petersson, C., Huus, K., Åkesson, K., Enskär, K., Golsäter, M. (2017). To promote child involvement – healthcare professionals' use of a health-related quality of life assessment tool during paediatric encounters European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 5(1). More information
Rejler, M., Fabisch, A., Petersson, C., Henriks, G., Andersson-Gäre, B. (2017). Ersätt kvalitetsregistren med förbättringsnätverk: Registerbaserade förbättringsnätverk bör ersätta nuvarande nationella kvalitetsregister Läkartidningen, 114(17), 760-762. More information
Osborne, C., Petersson, C., Graham, J., Meyer, W., Simeonsson, R., Suman, O., Ottenbacher, K. (2016). The multicenter benchmarking study of burn injury: A content analysis of the outcome measures using the international classification of functioning, disability and health Burns, 42(7), 1396-1403. More information
Petersson, C., Huus, K., Åkesson, K., Enskär, K. (2016). Children's experiences about a structured assessment of health-related quality of life during a patient encounter Child Care Health and Development, 42(3), 424-432. More information
Petersson, C., Huus, K., Enskär, K., Hanberger, L., Samulesson, U., Åkesson, K. (2016). Impact of type 1 diabetes on health-related quality of life among 8–18-year-old children Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 39(4), 245-255. More information
Darcy, L., Enskär, K., Granlund, M., Simeonsson, R., Petersson, C., Björk, M. (2015). Health and functioning in the everyday lives of young children with cancer: documenting with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - Children and Youth (ICF-CY). Child Care Health and Development, 41(3), 475-482. More information
Petersson, C., Huus, K., Samuelsson, U., Hanberger, L., Akesson, K. (2015). Use of the national quality registry to monitor health-related quality of life of children with type 1 diabetes: A pilot study Journal of Child Health Care, 19(1), 30-42. More information
Petersson, C., Simeonsson, R., Enskär, K., Huus, K. (2013). Comparing children's self-report instruments for health-related quality of life using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11(1), 1-10. More information

Doctoral thesis

Petersson, C. (2016). Using health-related quality of life instruments for children with long-term conditions: On the basis of a national quality registry system (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare). More information

Book chapter

Petersson, C., Hultgren, E. (2021). Läkemedel och förskrivning. In: E.-K. Hultgren (Ed.), Distriktssköterskans specialistområden (pp. 61 -74). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Petersson, C. (2021). Att förbereda barn inför undersökning. In: E.-K. Hultgren (Ed.), Distriktssköterskans specialistområden (pp. 97 -102). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information