Reza Ahmadi Naghadeh

Assistant Professor Childrens Health and Ill-health


Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Liu, T., Vinck, K., Jardine, R., Kontoe, S., Byrne, B., McAdam, R. (2024). A laboratory characterisation of the response of intact chalk to cyclic loading Geotechnique, 74(6), 527-539. More information
Tahershamsi, H., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Zuada Coelho, B., Dijkstra, J. (2023). Low amplitude strain accumulation model for natural soft clays below railways Transportation Geotechnics, 42. More information
Liu, T., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Vinck, K., Jardine, R., Kontoe, S., Buckley, R., Byrne, B. (2022). An experimental investigation into the behaviour of de-structured chalk under cyclic loading Geotechnique. More information
Vinck, K. Liu, T. Jardine, R. Kontoe, S. Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R. Buckley, R. , ... Schranz F. (2022). Advanced in-situ and laboratory characterisation of the ALPACA chalk research site Geotechnique. More information
Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Toker, N. (2019). Exponential Equation for Predicting Shear Strength Envelope of Unsaturated Soils International Journal of Geomechanics, 19(7). More information
Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Toker, N. (2019). A new isotropic specimen preparation method from slurry for both saturated and unsaturated triaxial testing of a low-plasticity silt ASTM geotechnical testing journal, 42(4), 854-879. More information
Birmpilis, G., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Dijkstra, J. (2019). Macroscopic interpretation of nano-scale scattering data in clay Geotechnique Letters, 9(4), 355-360. More information
Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Toker, N. (2017). Volume change measurement in triaxial tests by monitoring cell fluid volume based on viscoelastic behavior of the test setup ASTM geotechnical testing journal, 40(4), 683-697. More information
Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Toker, N., Ahmadi-Adli, M. (2013). Water content controlled instead of suction controlled strength tests Life Science Journal, 10(1), 2023-2030. More information

Conference paper

Liu, T. Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R. Vinck, K. Jardine, R. Kontoe, S. Buckley, R. , ... McAdam R. (2024). Laboratory investigation of the cyclic loading behaviour of intact and de-structured chalk. 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-PORTO 2023), Porto, Portugal, 3-6 September 2023. More information
Liu, T. Jardine, R. Vinck, K. Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R. Kontoe, S. Buckley, R. , ... Mcadam R. (2023). Cyclic Characterisation of Low-to-Medium Density Chalk for Offshore Driven Pile Design. 9th International SUT OSIG Conference “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, London, UK, 12-14 September 2023. More information
Birmpilis, G., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Dijkstra, J. (2019). Towards a methodology for the characterisation of the fabric of wet clays using x-ray scattering. 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, IS-Glasgow 2019, 26 June 2019 through 28 June 2019. More information
Maghsoudloo, A., Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Toker, N. (2012). Numerical Comparison of Retaining System Behavior for a Deep Excavation Case with and Without Ground Improvement. International Conference on Ground Improvement & Ground Control, 30 October – 2 November 2012, Wollongong, Australia. More information
Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Toker, N., Ahmadi-Adli, M. (2012). Water content variability of unsaturated soil specimens in conventional strength tests. 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara,Turkey, 17-19 October 2012. More information
Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R., Toker, N. (2012). Volume change measurement in triaxial testing of unsaturated soils. 3rd International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Nicosia, North Cyprus. More information