It’s always been my dream to live and study in Sweden. Thanks to Pathway, I’ve now got a scholarship for the Interventions in Childhood master’s degree programme.
After I completed my bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy at the Federal University of Rio de Janiero, I knew that I wanted to continue studying on a master’s degree. But family commitments meant I put this to one side and worked as a teacher for fifteen years. I had visited friends in Sweden a couple of times and fell in love with the country. It’s a peaceful, beautiful place to be and people here respect each other.
I wanted to continue my education in Sweden, but I didn’t have the grades in English to get a place on any university programmes. I was about to move to Canada when I met a representative for Jönköping University in Brazil: He told me out about the Pathway Programme and helped me apply.
This past year has been amazing. I’ve made so many new friends from all over the world, an opportunity that I don’t think I would have had from a university in Brazil. I loved my teachers, they were so willing to help us with everything; they did more than just teach us English. The ‘Life and Studies’ course in the programme taught us about Sweden, the culture here and what Swedish universities expect from their students. I now feel more confident and fully prepared for my master’s degree.
I’m excited about starting the Interventions in Childhood master’s programme. The Swedish approach to childcare and education is well-respected. I want to learn more about the methods and compare the Swedish approach to my experience in Brazil. My goal is to find work in child healthcare or social work and build a happy life for myself and my family here in Sweden.
- Juliana Vinagre, Pathway Year student
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