Advanced School on Circular Metal Components for the Swedish Manufacturing Industry

CIRCUMET aims at creating a comprehensive joint effort for developing 80-90 credits courses in advanced level on the topic of climate action in the metal component manufacturing industry. Flexible pedagogical methods and tailored admission routines will be developed for attracting professionals from the industry.

Latest news:

  • The ClimACS cluster, covering Circumet and two other projects, REEDEAM and Elektrifiering, held its first meeting on sharing experiences the 21st August at Chalmers. ClimACS = Climate Action Competence Supply
  • Survey with industry for course content and teaching format finished in October 2023.
  • Internal workshop is being arranged with CIRCUMET industrial partners to facilitate efficient co-production.

Courses starting Autumn 2025

Science of Remelting


These courses are given at Jönköping University, School of Engineering

Material development for circularity and future trends

  • Sustainability aspects of material development for circularity, 2,5 credits, week 36-40
  • Non-ferrous alloys – design and processing, 2,5 credits, week 41-45
  • Ferrous alloys – design and processing, 2,5 credits, week 46-50


These courses are given at Chalmers University of Technology

Sustainable manufacturing for metal components

  • Joining processes for modern sustainable manufacture industry, 2,5 credits, week 37-41


This course is given at University West

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Course themes to be developed


Courses included in this theme:

  • Introduction to Sustainability and Circularity
  • Material development for circularity and future trends*
  • Component design for disassembly and recyclability
  • Science of remelting*
  • Applied Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)


* Courses starting Autumn 2025

High-Performance materials and components

Courses included in this theme:

  • Metallurgy of cast alloys
  • Assessment and analysis of recycled materials and components
  • Modelling and simulation for circular metal component manufacturing
  • Design for minimal material utilization
  • Functional materials selection and product innovation


Energy and resource-efficient manufacturing technology

Courses included in this theme:

  • Sustainable manufacturing for metal components*
  • Data analysis-led process optimization
  • Introduction to principles of Industry 4.0 & 5.0


* Course starting Autumn 2025

Circumet timeline

In late 2023 and during 2024 courses will be decided, and planned, and the first batch of courses will start to be developed. The first batch of courses open for application will be released in spring 2025, and those courses will start in autumn 2025. Since we are at an early stage of the project, course format, application procedures and prerequisites are not yet set.

But do sign up above to receive information as soon as such is posted.


  • Create a joint effort for developing 80-90 credits courses at advanced level on the topic of climate action in the metal component manufacturing industry.
  • Develop flexible pedagogical methods, and innovative admission/validation routines for effective competence supply for the professionals in the industry.
  • Pilot-run the developed courses and accordingly fine-tune the methodologies and contents if needed.
  • Plan and develop the industrial research school proposal on the climate action for the metal industry.

Importance of the project

Particularly in Sweden, the manufacturing industry is considered the backbone of the economy, with more than 13% contribution to the GDP, and the metal component manufacturing industry is among the top sectors. Yet manufacturing sector has an outsized impact on the environment with around 20-25% direct CO2 emissions.

On the other hand, there are very limited and, in most cases, scattered educational packages related to climate action in the metal component manufacturing industry. This highlights the urgency and importance of developing tailored and flexible competence supply in both academia and industry, in order to effectively fight against climate change in the metal component manufacturing sector.

Expected results

The effort covers the circularity and sustainability in the entire value chain of metal component manufacturing; from component design optimization, to manufacturing processes, material selection, and even after the component lifetime. Important topics such as Digitalization, Life cycle analysis, and Business models in circular metal component manufacturing are embedded within the project scope.

This is in-line with many industrial sectors’ commitment to the business ambition for a 1.5˚C goal, which targets a climate-neutral and circular business by 2040. The Swedish “Riksdag” also has a clear goal in this regard: by latest 2045, Sweden must have no net emission of greenhouse gasses to subsequently achieve negative emissions.

Financier: KK-Stiftelsen External link, opens in new window.

Duration of the project: 2023-2029

Management team:

Ehsan Ghassemali, Assoc. Prof. JTH

Johan Ahlström External link, opens in new window., Prof. Chalmers

Madelene Zetterlind, Pedagogical developer, JTH

Stefan Brolin External link, opens in new window., External relations, JTH

Industrial Partners:

GKN Aerospace Sweden, Sandvik Coromant, Fagerhult, Husqvarna Group, Scania CV, Volvo Cars, Comptech, AGES Industri, Ovako, Stena Metal International, Gjuteriföreningen, Jernkontoret, Svenskt Aluminium, Tunga Fordon, Fordonskomponentgruppen

Contact us

We would be glad to hear your opinion and suggestions:

Project leader: Ehsan Ghassemali

Deputy leader: Johan Ahlström (Chalmers) External link, opens in new window.

Pedagogcal developer: Madelene Zetterlind External link, opens in new window.

Marketing and communication: Stefan Brolin, Linda Bergqvist Opens in new window.

Financed by KK-foundation