Sustainable Societies (SUS)
The Sustainable Societies research environment consists of two themes: Sustainability Education Research (SER) and Social Change and Sustainability (SOS). It has a subject-wise starting point in pedagogy, global studies and natural science and technology didactics.
SUS works across disciplinary boundaries with a focus on a broad definition of sustainability. In practice, we conduct research that includes many of the global goals for sustainable development, from sustainable development and learning to peaceful and inclusive societies, and how sustainability and social change are linked. In addition, the Master's program Global Studies – Sustainable Societies and Social Change is linked to SUS. In doing so, SUS aims to create a lively research environment that both produces important research on sustainable societies and supports educational activities at advanced level at the School of Education and Communication (HLK). All teacher training courses at HLK are also supported by research within SUS.
- Enyetu, J., Ebitu, L., Avery, H. (2025). Performance analysis of the Doho Rice Irrigation Scheme in Uganda. Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 151(1),
- Hammarsten, M., Bonorden, B. (2024). Varför är det viktigt att lära barn och unga att odla? [Lärarhandledning]. Riksförbundet Svensk trädgård
- Avery, H. (2024). At the Timeshed: On the importance of seizing opportunity.
- Nilsson, M. (2024). Kommer al-Qaida få Nobels fredspris nu?. Exprtessen
- Tawat, M. (2024). Fostering inclusion: Migrants, action competence and social justice in the Citizen Engagement Lab.
- Hammarsten, M., Lisberg Jensen, E., Ståhl, M. (2024). Bygglekplatsen resiliens – motorisk och social resiliens för kommande generationer. Att lära in ute-bladet 38(4), 12-14
- Nilsson, M., Bejermi, A. (2024). Suède: «Comment les groupes djihadistes cherchent à surfer sur la guerre à Gaza pour recruter de nouveaux membres». FigaroVox
- Hammarsten, M. (2024). Estetik och bildning - innovativa perspektiv på framtidens fritidshem [moderator].
- Nilsson, M. (2024). ”Vad krävs för att Sverige ska dras in i konflikten?”. Aftonbladet
- Hammarsten, M. (2024). Ge barnen platser att bygga på!. Fritidspedagogik
- Hammarsten, M. (2024). Utenavet under temat, dåtid, nutid och framtid.
- Bergkvist, F., Nilsson, M. (2024). Expert: Netanyahus plan ökar risken för krig med Hizbollah. Dagens Nyheter
- Nilsson, M. (2024). Det stora antalet civila dödsoffer göder hämndbegär och terrorism. Göteborgs-Posten
- Bajramović, R., Nilsson, M. (2024). Identity management by multiple identification: religious leaders and EU integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 52(8), 1341-1352
- Tawat, M. (2024). The Arc of Nordic Multiculturalism Policies (1974–2006): A Divergent Convergence. Journal of Migration History 10(2), 247-272
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