SAIN - SWEAH Alumni Interdisciplinary Network
A network for research on ageing
Although the pursuit of longevity has been a success, there are challenges that follow an increasingly aging population. The process of aging is multidimensional and interdisciplinary research is needed to truly comprehend its mechanisms and consequences. This implies that the new generation of aging researchers is trained in interdisciplinary research.
The main purpose of the research network is to create a base for long-term and outstanding Swedish research on ageing through interdisciplinary collaborations between Swedish universities.
More specifically, this will take place through joint projects and research applications. As it is important to have continued support and stimulation after the completion of research training, the network will also support skills for strong professional career development and contribute with collegial support from other junior researchers with input from internationally recognized senior researchers representing different research directions.
The network is aimed at all current and future alumni from SWEAH, External link, opens in new window. the Swedish National Graduate School for Competitive Science in Ageing and Health. SWEAH is an interdisciplinary graduate school for Ph.D. students who address aging and health in their thesis projects. To date, 121 doctoral students have been affiliated, of which 61 have graduated, from 13 universities in Sweden: Lund University, Umeå University, University Dalarna, Luleå University of Technology, Örebro University, Linköping University, Mid University, Karolinska Institutet, Jönköping University, University of Gothenburg, Kristianstad University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, and Linnaeus University.
SAIN will utilize the experiences and qualities gained from being affiliated with an interdisciplinary research school to promote a productive interdisciplinary network for emerging scholars within the research field of aging.
Organization and management
SAIN is coordinated by an executive group:
Charlotta Nilsen, coordinator for SAIN, lecturer at the Institute for Gerontology (IFG), Jönköping University, researcher at the Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University and affiliated researcher at the Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet.
Malin Ericsson, convener of the steering group, postdoctoral fellow at the Aging Research Center and the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet
Caroline Hasselgren, researcher at the Center for Aging and Health (AGECAP) and the Department of Sociology and Occupational Science, University of Gothenburg.
Robin Jonsson, postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the department of sociology and work science, University of Gothenburg.
SAIN's senior advisory board:
Professor Merril Silverstein, External link, opens in new window. Syracuse University, USA; Professor Susanne Iwarsson,
External link, opens in new window. Lund University, coordinator för SWEAH; Professor Liat Ayalon,
External link, opens in new window. Bar-Ilan University, Israel; Professor Deborah Finkel,
External link, opens in new window. Jönköping University, Indiana University Southeast och University of Southern California, USA; Professor emeritus Boo Johansson,
External link, opens in new window. University of Gothenburg; Professor Nancy Pedersen,
External link, opens in new window. Karolinska Institutet; Professor Martin Hyde,
External link, opens in new window. University of Leicester, Storbritannien; and Professor Lena Dahlberg,
External link, opens in new window. Dalarna University and Karolinska Institutet.
Funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation 2023-2025 and SWEAH.
2024-11-11: SAIN webinar with Professor Merril Silverstein, Syracuse University, USA. Title: Is Gerontology (Still) Data Rich and Theory Poor? A Multidisciplinary Renaissance
2024-10-29-2024-10-30: Mini writing retreat in Jönköping
2024-09-30-2024-10-04: Alumni day & writing retreat, Karlstad
2024-06-11: Samverkansträff (collaborative meeting) Sveriges gerontologiska Sällskap (SGS) och det Nationella nätverket för socialvetenskaplig äldreforskning
2024-05-31: Webbinarium: Ett längre arbetsliv - Lagens gränser, filosofiska perspektiv och praktiska åtgärder
2024-05-21: Artikel i tidskriften Sunt arbetliv om samverkansträffen i Göteborg External link, opens in new window..
2024-04-10: Members' meeting
2024-02-20: SAIN webinar with Dr. Susanne Gustafsson, Jönköping University and Göteborgs universitet. Title: HEAT: Interdisciplinary research on urban planning for an aging population in a warmer climate.
2024-02-01: Members' meeting
2024-01-18 till 2024-01-19: Styrgruppen sammanträder i Karlstad och planerar för 2024
2023-11-28: SAIN webinar med Professor Martin Hyde, University of Leicester, UK. Titel: What are editors looking for? Insights into publishing in gerontology journals.
2023-10-26-2023-10-27: Mini writing retreat in Umeå
2023-10-23: SAIN projekt finansierat av Forte och VR External link, opens in new window.
2023-08-23: Members' meeting
2023-05-10: Alumni day and writing retreat in Jönköping Pdf, 196.6 kB, opens in new window.
2023-03-17: Members' meeting
2022-12-14: Styrgruppen sammanträder på Marholmen, Norrtälje, och planerar för 2023 Pdf, 205.5 kB.
2022-08-24: Nytt alumnnätverk har sett dagens ljus - Nyhet SWEAH External link, opens in new window.
Contact information
Charlotta Nilsen, Jönköping University
Malin Ericsson, Karolinska Institutet
Caroline Hasselgren Bune, University of Gothenburg
Robin Jonsson, University of Gothenburg