September 6
Roger Madrigal
Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Costa Rica
Sustainability of Rural Water Systems in Centro America

September 13
Lucia Naldi
Jönköping International Business School
In the Eye of the Storm: Entrepreneurs and Well-being During the COVID-19 Crisis

September 20
Michał Dzieliński
Stockholm Business School
Climate Discussions in Earnings Conference Calls

September 27
Karin Hederos
Stockholm University
Gender Homophily in Job Referrals

October 4
Henrik Svensli
Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen
The Effect of Foreign Activities Located in Tax Havens on Corporate Income Taxes

October 11
Henrik Jordahl
Örebro University
Profit in Tax-financed Services: An Experimental Opinion Survey

October 18
Maximilian Todtenhaupt
Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen
Withholding Taxes, Compliance Cost and Foreign Portfolio Investment

October 25
Toni Duras
Jönköping International Business School
Guidelines for Using Variable Selection Techniques in Data Envelopment Analysis for Big and Wide Data

November 1
Cal Halvorsen
Boston College, School of Social Work
How Self-Employed Older Adults Differ by Age: Evidence and Implications From the Health and Retirement Study

November 8
Magnus Carlsson
Linnæus University, Växjö
Co-worker Peer Effects on Parental Leave Take-up

November 15
Francisco Rowe
University of Liverpool
A City of Cities: Measuring How 15-minutes Urban Accessibility Shapes Human Mobility in Barcelona

November 22
Åsa Löfgren
University of Gothenburg
Prices versus Standards: Evidence from an Artefactual Field Experiment on Managerial Investment Behavior

November 29
Anna Sandberg Trolle-Lindgren
Stockholm University
Mental Health Among Swedish PhD Students

December 6
Matthias Ritter
Jönköping International Business School
Exploring the Weather-Yield Nexus with Artificial Neural Networks for Index-Based Insurance