Filmed lectures
Children, preschool and school
The lectures are about early intervention, paricipation and engagement, and give an international perspectives on preschool for children in need of special support.
Lectures from years 2016-2017
Preschool and School as a Context for Intervention External link, opens in new window.
Professor Eva Björck-Åkesson, Jönköping University, November 2016.
Research On Preschool Inclusion Across Three Decades External link, opens in new window.Professor Samuel Odom, University of North Carolina, USA, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Public Pre-Kindergarten: A United States Perspective External link, opens in new window.
Professor Dale Farran, Vandebilt University, USA, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Creating a Vision for Public Pre-K Following TNVPK Results: Data-driven Quality External link, opens in new window.Professor Dale Farran, Vanderbilt University, USA at Jönköping University, 2017.
Research on Engagement and Preschool Environment: 17 years of Research on Engagement in Portugal External link, opens in new window.
Professor Ana Isabel Pinto, University of Porto, Portugal, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Interventions in Preschool - Unit Level: The Preschool Engagement in Taiwan External link, opens in new window.Professor Ai-Wen Hwang, Chang Gung University, Taiwan, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Children, Disability and Society
The lectures are about being there and being engaged; inclusion and participation for children with disabilities
Lectures from years 2016-2018
Children with Disabilities - Participation as a Means and an End External link, opens in new window.Professor Mats Granlund, Jönköping University, 2016.
From monodisciplinary to interdisciplinary research - a focus on everyday functioning External link, opens in new window.
Professor Mats Granlund, Jönköping University, 2016.
International Perspectives on Inclusion Research External link, opens in new window.Professor Rune Simeonsson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Research Focus on the fPRC - The components and how they are related External link, opens in new window.
Professor Christine Imms, Catholic University Melborne, Australien, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Increasing Children's Engagement: In theurapeutic interventions External link, opens in new window.
Professor Christine Imms, Catholic University Melborne, Australien, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Childhood Intervention in an International Perspective External link, opens in new window.Professor Rune Simeonsson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, at Jönköping University, 2016.
Inclusive research related to the autistic community External link, opens in new window.
Assistant professor Marita Falkmer, Jönköping University and Curtin Autism Research Group, Curtin University, Australia, at Jönköping University, 2018.
Children's rights - international perspectives
Children's Rights and Childhood Intervention External link, opens in new window.Professor Juan Bornman, University of Pretoria, South Africa, at Jönköping University, 2016.
Children's Rights: Engagement in the Criminal Justice System External link, opens in new window.
Professor Juan Bornman, University of Pretoria, South Africa, at Jönköping University, 2017.
Children with long term health conditions
Children with long term Health Conditions - where are we and where are we going External link, opens in new window.Professor Karin Enskär, Jönköping University, 2016.
Trends in Intervention Research that can advance study of children with long term health conditions and their families External link, opens in new window.Assistant professor Sheila Santacroce, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, at Jönköping University, 2016.
Intervention Research to Prevent Early Childhood Obesity External link, opens in new window.
Dr. Eric Hodges, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, atbJönköping University, 2017.
Children and Parents
Parental-couple separation during the transition to parenthood External link, opens in new window.
PhD Student Åsa Gamgam Leanderz, at Skövde University, 2021.