Jönköping University offers Doctoral Programmes in English, available for international students with the required qualifications. Doctoral education is conducted at all four schools and the university has about 203 doctoral students.

Jönköping International Business School offers Doctoral Programmes entirely conducted in English. At the School of Education and Communication, the School of Engineering and the School of Health and Welfare Doctoral programmes are conducted in English when required.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Jönköping University is entitled to award Licentiate and Doctoral degrees within the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Subjects for research studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Business Administration, Disability Research, Education with Specialisation in Didactics, Economics, Education, Health and Care Sciences, Media and Communication Studies, Education with Specialisation in Special Education, Statistics, and Welfare and Social Sciences.


The University is also entitled to award Licentiate and Doctoral Degrees in Engineering, research area: Industrial Product Realisation.

Doctoral programmes at the School of Education and Communication

The School of Education and Communication offers doctoral education within the subjects Education and Media and Communications. The school also runs five national research schools in collaboration with other universities.