Tobias Samuelsson

Professor of Social Sciences
Department of Natural and Social Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Associate Dean of Doctoral Education
Doctoral Programmes , School of Education and Communication
The Unit for Research , School of Education and Communication


Tobias Samuelsson is Professor in Social Science at the School of Education and Communication. His research focuses on ethnographic studies of children's everyday life with a particular focus on children's work and child culture. Tobias have participated in research projects that studied children’s and families visits toChildren's museums, Theme parks, Amusement parks and Science Centers.He has also done research on summer camps. These studies are based in the field called Sociology of Childhood. Tobias also conducts research on medical sociology and family sociology and has done research on telemedicine, ambulance care and parental support programs (COPE) for immigrant parents. Theoretically, Tobias research is also inspired by Science and Technology Studies (STS).

Tobias is part of two projects:

  • Samverkan för mångfunktionella utemiljöer för lek, lärande och stärkta
    ekosystemtjänster (Formas 2021-2024)
  • Overcoming climate change worry: how action competence can
    contribute to psychological well being among young adults (2024-2025)


Tobias came to the School of Education and Communication in 2013 after research education and work as Post Doc and Assistant Professor at Linköping University. Tobias came to Linköping University already in 1995, after having begun his university studies at the Luleå University of Technology the year before. His studies in Linköping were supplemented with a stint at the Åbo Academy in Finland, and he also spent time at the University of Salford in Great Britain. Tobias began his doctoral studies in the Linköping University Department of Child Studies in 2003 and in 2008 Tobias presented his doctoral thesis, "Children’s Work in Sweden. A part of childhood, a path to adulthood".


Almers, E., Askerlund, P., Samuelsson, T. (2023). The perfect schoolyard for future children: Primary school children’s participation in envisioning workshops Children, Youth and Environments, 33(1), 101-121. More information
Svensson, C., Samuelsson, T. (2021). "A Gunpowder-Smelling History Lecture"?—Learning at a Wild West History Theme Park The Social Studies, 112(1), 14-27. More information
Svensson, C., Samuelsson, T. (2021). "Dra på dig bootsen, sadla hästen och ladda knallpulverpistolen!": skolevers lärande i Vilda Västern-temaparken High Chaparral Historielärarnas Förenings Årsskrift 2021, 141-152. More information
Almers, E., Askerlund, P., Samuelsson, T., Waite, S. (2021). Children’s preferences for schoolyard features and understanding of ecosystem service innovations – a study in five Swedish preschools Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 21(3), 230-246. More information
Kjellström, S., Andersson, A., Samuelsson, T. (2020). Professionals’ experiences of using an improvement programme: applying quality improvement work in preschool contexts BMJ Open Quality, 9(3). More information
Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2019). Developing ecological literacy in a forest garden: children’s perspectives Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 19(3), 227-241. More information
Sparrman, A., Samuelsson, T., Lindgren, A., Cardell, D. (2016). The ontological practices of child culture Childhood, 23(2), 255-271. More information
Samuelsson, T., Sparrman, A., Cardell, D., Lindgren, A. (2015). The Active, Competent Child, Capable of Autonomous Action: An inherent quality or the outcome of a research process? AnthropoChildren Liège: University of Liège . More information
Lindgren, A., Sparrman, A., Samuelsson, T., Cardell, D. (2015). Enacting (real) fiction: Materializing childhoods in a theme park Childhood, 22(2), 171-186. More information
Samuelsson, T., Samuelsson, M. (2015). Av stor betydelse för ett framtida liv: Föräldrars uppfattningar om varför deras barn ska åka till kollo Barn, 33(2), 27-40. More information
Agic, H., Samuelsson, T. (2015). Föräldrastödsprogram för utrikesfödda föräldrar: Vad händer när manualbaserade föräldrastödsprogram översätts och implementeras i svensk kontext? Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 92(5), 545-552. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2014). Barns arbete i dagens Sverige - hot eller möjlighet? Tidningen Kulturen Uemå: h:ström - Text & Kultur . More information
Samuelsson, T., Berner, B. (2014). Effektivare vård på distans med multidisciplinära medicinska videokonferenser? Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 20(4), 23-37. More information
Samuelsson, T., Berner, B. (2013). Swift transport versus information gathering: telemedicine and new tensions in the ambulance service Journal of contemporary ethnography, 42(6), 722-744. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2009). Barns arbete bra för självkänslan Kollega, 57 Stockholm: Unionen . More information
Samuelsson, T. (2009). Barnarbete - kanske inte så illa trots allt? Liberal Debatt, 16 Stockholm: Stiftelsen Liberal Debatt . More information
Samuelsson, T. (2009). En del av barndomen, en väg till vuxenlivet: Barns arbete i sverige Barn, 157-172 Trondheim: Norsk Senter For Barneforskning . More information
Samuelsson, T., Samuelsson, M. (2007). En koloniverksamhets gränsarbete Kulturella perspektiv - Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, 4, 34-42. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2007). Välkommen till Phobocity Stockholms Fria tidning, 2007-05-19, 18. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2007). Välkommen till rädslans stad Sesam : nyhetstidningen på lätt svenska, 2007-05-31. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2006). Den glokala pizzerian Stockholms Fria tidning, 2006-05-20, 13. More information
Samuelsson, M., Samuelsson, T. (2000). Naturfolk eller kulturtolk: vem är du? Argaladei Friluftsliv - en livsstil, 14-16. More information

Doctoral thesis

Samuelsson, T. (2008). Children’s Work in Sweden: A part of childhood, a path to adulthood (Doctoral thesis, Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press). More information

Book chapter

Anderstaf, S., Samuelsson, T. (2022). Att utveckla interkulturella perspektiv via skönlitterära verk. In: Åsa Hirsh & Jesper Boesen (Ed.), Uppdragsutbildning – ett ömsesidigt lärande i samverkan (pp. 137 -158). Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information
Sparrman, A., Cardell, D., Lindgren, A., Samuelsson, T. (2017). The Ontological Choreography of (Good) Parenthood. In: Anna Sparrman, Allan Westerling, Judith Lind, Karen Ida Dannesboe (Ed.), Doing Good Parenthood: Ideals and Practices of Parental InvolvementMore information
Svensson, C., Samuelsson, T. (2017). Museet i bilderboken: Verklighetens museer utmanas av stereotypa barnböcker. In: Rebecka Florin Sädbom, Mikael Gustafsson & Hans Albin Larsson (huvudred.) (Ed.), Framåt uppåt!: Samhällsdidaktiska utmaningar (pp. 147 -170). Jönköping: Jönköping University More information
Samuelsson, T. (2014). Barns handlingsutrymme i ett alltmer institutionaliserat vardagsliv - Ett barndomssociologiskt perspektiv. In: Hans Albin Larsson (Ed.), 14 röster kring samhällstudier och didaktik (pp. 95 -115). Jönköping: Samhällsstudier & didaktik More information
Samuelsson, T. (2013). "Detta måste vara världens bästa experimenthus": En studie av barns användning av ett Science Center. In: Karin Helander (Ed.), Nu vill jag prata!: Barns röster i barnkulturen (pp. 170 -190). Stockholm: Stockholms universitets förlag More information
Samuelsson, T. (2012). Not All About the Money: Children, Work, and Consumption. In: Anna Sparrman, Bengt Sandin och Johanna Sjöberg (Ed.), Situating Child Consumption: Rethinking values and notions of children (pp. 81 -96). Lund: Nordic Academic Press More information
Samuelsson, T. (2011). Making money, helping out, growing up: Working children in Sweden. In: Robin Price, Paula McDonald, Janis Bailey & Barbara Pini (Ed.), Young people and work (pp. 21 -34). Farnham: Ashgate More information
Samuelsson, T. (2009). "Jag hjälper bara till": Perspektiv på konstruktionen av barn som "icke-arbetare". In: Barn, barndom och föräldraskap (pp. 67 -80). Stockholm: Carlsssons bokförlag More information
Halldén, G., Engwall, K., Samuelsson, T., Sjöberg, M., Söderlind, I. (2008). Barns arbete - förändringsprocesser och nya perspektiv. In: Ingrid Söderlind, Kristina Engwall (Ed.), Barndom och arbete (pp. 219 -234). Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag More information
Halldén, G., Engwall, K., Samuelsson, T., Sjöberg, M., Söderlind, I. (2008). Barndom och arbete - kontinuitet och förändring. In: Ingrid Söderlind, Kristina Engwall (Ed.), Barndom och arbete (pp. 15 -34). Umeå: Boréa bokförlag More information
Samuelsson, T., Engwall, K. (2008). Vad är arbete? Barns perspektiv på arbete. In: Ingrid Söderlind, Kristina Engwal (Ed.), Barndom och arbete (pp. 177 -198). Umeå: Boréa bokförlag More information
Samuelsson, T. (2007). Out of place? Children's ideas on work. In: Kristina Engwall and Ingrid Söderlind (Ed.), Children's Work in Everyday life (pp. 49 -58). Stockholm: Institutet för framtidsstudier More information


Samuelsson, T. (2024). Initierad inblick i USA:s radikaliseringsprocess. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2024). Om den svårdefinierade medelklassen: Recensionen ingår i Finsk Tidskrift 5/2024, s. 75–77. Rubrik ”Om den svårdefinierade medelklassen”. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2024). Därför fick Trump honom att lämna USA. Stockholm: Stiftelsen Liberal Debatt More information
Samuelsson, T. (2022). Hur skapades Donald Trump?. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2021). Recension av boken Kids at Work. Latinx Families Selling Food on the Streets of Los Angeles av Emir Estrada, New York University Press, 2019, 206 s.. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2020). Möten med naziregimens arkitekt. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2017). Strangers in their own land. Anger and mourning on the American right av Arlie Russell Hochschild (bokrecension). More information
Samuelsson, T. (2013). Den mångsidige statsvetenskapsmannen. Umeå: h:ström - Text & Kultur More information
Samuelsson, T. (2013). Neil Carr (2011) Children's and Families Holiday Experiences. Routledge, London & New York (Recension av Niel Carrs bok).. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2011). Barns arbete i andra världskrigets England: Recension av Berry Mayall & Virginia Morrow, You can help your country. English children's work during the second world war, London 2011. Stockholm: Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek More information
Samuelsson, T. (2010). Anne Wihstutz, Verantwortung und Anerkennung: Qualitative Studie zur Bedeutung von Arbeit für Kinder. Berlin/Münster: LIT Verlag, 2009 (Recension av Anne Wihstutz bok).. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2009). Working to be Someone: Child Focused Research and Practice with Working Children by Beatrice Hungerland, Manfred Liebel, Brian Milne, and Anne Wihstutz. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2008). Välkommen till förorten. More information

Conference paper

Svensson, C., Samuelsson, T. (2019). History as edutainment - Learning at a history theme park. 44th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, November 21-24, 2019, Chicago, USA. More information
Svensson, C., Samuelsson, T. (2018). ”Dra på dig bootsen, sadla hästen och ladda knallpulverpistolen, för nu är du i Vilda Västern!”: High Chaparral, historiekommunikation och formell/informell utbildning. Centrum för barnkulturforsknings Tvärvetenskapliga barnkulturforskardag den 5 oktober, 2018, Stockholms universitet. More information
Hammarsten, M., Almers, E., Askerlund, P., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2018). The Forest Garden from Children's Perspectives. Childhood and Materiality. VIII conference on childhood studies, 7-9 may Jyväskylä Finland. More information
Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2018). Barns perspektiv på att vistas i en skogsträdgård. Nordisk forskningskonferens om miljö- och hållbarhetsutbildning, 25–26 oktober 2018, Örebro universitet. More information
Cardell, D., Sparrman, A., Lindgren, A., Samuelsson, T. (2013). Doing Parenthood through Children’s (Consumer) Culture. Torino: European Sociological Association (ESA), University of Torino, Department of Culture, Politics and Society, ESA 2013 Torino: Crisis, critique and change: 11th European Sociological Association Conference, 28th to 31st August 2013, Turin - Italy. More information
Samuelsson, T., Cardell, D., Sparrman, A., Lindgren, A. (2013). Studying Child Culture – Producing Realities. Torino: European Sociological Association (ESA), University of Torino, Department of Culture, Politics and Society, ESA 2013 Torino: Crisis, critique and change: 11th European Sociological Association Conference, 28th to 31st August 2013, Turin - Italy. More information
Sparrman, A., Cardell, D., Lindgren, A., Samuelsson, T. (2013). The Ontologies of Child Culture. Torino: European Sociological Association (ESA) University of Torino Department of Culture, Politics and Society, ESA 2013 Torino: Crisis, critique and change: 11th European Sociological Association Conference, 28th to 31st August 2013, Turin - Italy. More information
Samuelsson, T., Engwall, K. (2007). How to Grasp a Child Perspective Concerning Children's Work. In the Name of the Child. The Social and Cultural History of Children and Youth SHCY 2007, June 27-30, Norrköping, Sverige. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2006). Out of Place? Swedish Children's Perspectives on their Participation on the Labour Market. 1st International Conference: Childhood and Youth, Choice and Participation, 4th-6th July, Sheffield, UK. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2006). Perspectives on Children's Everyday Life and the Paradox of "Working" Children and Children's "Work" in Sweden. Vardagslivets mönster – forskning för kunskap om vardagen 2006, Linköping, Sverige. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2005). Methodological Reflections on Studying Working Children and Children's Work. Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies, International Conference, June 29 - July 3, Oslo, Norway. More information

Other publications

Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2018). Developing ecological literacy in a forest garden: children’s perspectives. More information


Samuelsson, T., Svensson, C. (2020). High Chaparral, historiekommunikation och formell/informell utbildning. More information
Samuelsson, T. (2012). Stödjande sociala nätverk och livet som ny förälder. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press More information