Ewout Reitsma

Assistant Professor Logistics


+46 73-910 18 93
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As an assistant professor at Jönköping University, I combine my research and teaching expertise in business administration and engineering to contribute to the academic and professional development of students and colleagues. I have a PhD in Business Administration and taught various courses on production systems, research methods, CSR, transportation and distribution, purchasing and supply chain management, and supply chain design, as well as supervised thesis projects. My current research mainly focuses on strategic sourcing in the context of manufacturers' new product development processes. I am passionate about advancing the knowledge and practice of business and engineering, and I strive to create a collaborative and inclusive learning environment for all.



Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, E. (2023). Supply chain design during product development: a systematic literature review. More information
Reitsma, E., Haug, A., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, E. (2023). Engaging with ‘Engineer for Supply Chain’ (EfSC): insights from two engineer-to-order manufacturers Production planning & control (Print). More information
Reitsma, E., Manfredsson, P., Hilletofth, P., Andersson, R. (2020). The outcomes of providing lean training to strategic suppliers: A Swedish case study The TQM Journal, 33(5), 1049-1065. More information
Murillo-Oviedo, A., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P., Reitsma, E. (2019). Achieving market orientation through cross-functional integration Operations and Supply Chain Management, 12(3), 175-185. More information
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P., Mukhtar, U. (2018). Enterprise resource planning system implementation: A user perspective Operations and Supply Chain Management, 11(3), 110-117. More information
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P. (2018). Critical success factors for ERP system implementation: A user perspective European Business Review, 30(3), 285-310. More information

Doctoral thesis

Reitsma, E. (2022). Sourcing strategising in the new product development process: Insights from the strategy-as-practice lens and engineer-to-order context (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School). More information

Book chapter

Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P. (2024). Supply chain strategizing in new product development: An interplay of practitioners, activities, and practices. In: J. Sarkis (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management (pp. 247 -269). More information
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P. (2022). Supply chain strategizing in new product development. In: Joseph Sarkis (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management (pp. 1 -23). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Hilletofth, P., Reitsma, E., Eriksson, D. (2018). Coordination of new product development and supply chain management. In: Moreira, António Carrizo, Ferreira, Luís Miguel D. F., Zimmermann, Ricardo A. (Ed.), Innovation and Supply Chain Management: Relationship, Collaboration and Strategies (pp. 33 -50). Cham: Springer More information

Conference paper

Reitsma, E., Bäckstrand, J., Fredriksson, A., Forslund, H. (2024). Practices supporting the implementation of circular procurement: a literature review and future research agenda. 33rd Annual International IPSERA Conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 24-27 March 2024. More information
Manfredsson, P., Hilletofth, P., Reitsma, E. (2019). Involving Suppliers In A Lean Training Program. OSCM 9th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), 15 – 18 December, 2019,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. More information
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, E. (2019). Performing Supply Chain Design Activities during Product Development Projects: A Systematic Literature Review. OSCM 9th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), 15 – 18 December, 2019,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. More information
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P., Mukhtar, U. (2018). Implementation of enterprise resource planning systems: A user perspective. 1st International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, IConISE 2017, 29 August 2017 through 30 August 2017. More information
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P. (2018). Integrated new product development: A supply chain perspective. 11th Triennial Conference of Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS), Kathmandu, Nepal.. More information
Reitsma, E., Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P. (2017). Critical operations capabilities in a high cost environment: A grey relational analysis. MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference. More information
Reitsma, E., Wewering, D., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Enterprise resource planning system implementation: An end user perspective. International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), Phuket, 18–21 December, 2016.. More information

Other publications

Reitsma, E. . Conceptualisation of five sourcing strategising approaches in the engineer-to-order context. More information