Saffran Möller

Assistant Professor Health and Care Sciences
Department of Rehabilitation , School of Health and Welfare
Programme manager MASTech

Saffran is a licensed physiotherapist with a Phd in science of Health and Welfare within prosthetics and has a Master's degree in physiotherapy. Saffran has worked for many years in close collaboration with Prosthetists, both nationally and internationally, in rehabilitation after a lower limb amputation.

Saffran's main area of ​​interest is in multidisciplinary rehabilitation, how mobility and function can be affected by various factors, both physically and psychologically such as self-efficacy, cognitive (i.e. the degree of attention required when walking), environmental factors and assitive devices.


Möller, S., Hagberg, K., Ramstrand, N. (2024). Cognitive load in individuals with a transfemoral amputation during single- and dual-task walking: a pilot study of brain activity in people using a socket prosthesis or a bone-anchored prosthesis Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 56. More information
Möller, S., Ramstrand, N., Hagberg, K., Rusaw, D. (2020). Cortical brain activity in transfemoral or knee-disarticulation prosthesis users performing single and dual-task walking activities Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 7. More information
Ramstrand, N., Möller, S., Rusaw, D. (2020). Transitioning to a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee – Executive functioning during single and dual-task gait Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 44(1), 27-35. More information
Möller, S., Rusaw, D., Hagberg, K., Ramstrand, N. (2019). Reduced cortical brain activity with the use of microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knees during walking Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 43(3), 257-265. More information
Möller, S., Hagberg, K., Samuelsson, K., Ramstrand, N. (2018). Perceived self-efficacy and specific self-reported outcomes in persons with lower-limb amputation using a non-microprocessor-controlled versus a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13(3), 220-225. More information

Doctoral thesis

Möller, S. (2019). Functioning in prosthetic users provided with and without a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee – relative effects on mobility, self-efficacy and attentional demand (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare). More information

Conference paper

Möller, S., Ramstrand, N., Hagberg, K., Rusaw, D. (2019). Can Microprocessor-Controlled Prosthetic Knees Reduce Attentional Demand during Single and Dual-task Walking?. ISPO’s 17th World Congress (International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics), 5-8 October 2019, Kobe, Japan. More information
Ramstrand, N., Möller, S. (2018). Can prostheses and orthoses reduce the demand on higher order cognitive processes during walking?. The 11th Nordic prosthetist and orthotist conference Copenhagen, Denmark, 6th – 8th September 2018. More information

Other publications

Möller, S., Ramstrand, N., Rusaw, D., Hagberg, K. . Differences in mobility for individuals using a non-microprocessor-controlled versus a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee. More information