Canvas is the universitys online learning management system where digital course environments are provided for teachers and students.
Canvas is used for teachers and students to interact through a digital medium. From here course material, submissions, groups, announcements and many other things can be managed. Feedback and results on assignments can be displayed here. Remember that no grade is final until it appears in Ladok.
To be able to use Canvas on your computer you need an updated version of any of the following web browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. More information on compatible browsers are available from the supplier External link, opens in new window..
Canvas is available as an application for both Android and iOS. Search for "Canvas" in the app store that applies to your unit. As a student you use Canvas Student and as a teacher Canvas Teacher. The name of the developer is Instructure.
NOTE! To be able to access your course as a student in Canvas you must first register in Ladok. After the registration you can immediately log in to Canvas but it may take a while before the course becomes visible. It is then the course coordinator who publishes (opens) the course for students. You can list all your courses from Courses and then All courses External link, opens in new window..
If you have problems logging in to Canvas, unable to see your course (as a student you may have to wait until after the course start date) or any questions about Canvas you can post a case to IT Helpdesk External link, opens in new window.. You can also find answers on your own in the suppliers guides for students
External link, opens in new window. and teachers
External link, opens in new window. or in our own guides available from the following links:
- Introduction to Canvas for students as pdf
Pdf, 207.7 kB.
- Introduction to Canvas for students as video
External link, opens in new window.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Opens in new window.
- Information about Canvas for teachers on the intranet
Status information and any issue notifications can be found at External link, opens in new window..
Log in
When logging in to Canvas at, use your Jönköping University account and the corresponding password. From 2024-06-24 MFA (multi-factor authentication) is needed. Read more in the news on the student web and on the intranet External link, opens in new window..